Definition of Speak
1. Verb. Express in speech. "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
Specialized synonyms: Read, Phonate, Vocalise, Vocalize, Troll, Begin, Lip Off, Shoot One's Mouth Off, Shout, Whisper, Peep, Speak Up, Snap, Snarl, Enthuse, Speak In Tongues, Swallow, Verbalise, Verbalize, Whiff, Talk About, Talk Of, Blubber, Blubber Out, Drone, Drone On, Bumble, Falter, Stammer, Stutter, Rasp, Blunder, Blunder Out, Blurt, Blurt Out, Ejaculate, Inflect, Modulate, Tone, Deliver, Present, Generalise, Generalize, Blab, Blabber, Chatter, Clack, Gabble, Gibber, Maunder, Palaver, Piffle, Prate, Prattle, Tattle, Tittle-tattle, Twaddle, Chatter, Jaw, Rattle On, Yack, Yack Away, Yap Away, Open Up, Snivel, Whine, Murmur, Maunder, Mumble, Mussitate, Mutter, Slur, Bark, Bay, Jabber, Mouth Off, Rabbit On, Rant, Rave, Spout, Hiss, Sibilate, Siss, Sizz, Cackle, Babble, Chant, Intone, Tone, Gulp, Sing
Generic synonyms: Communicate, Intercommunicate
Related verbs: Verbalise, Verbalize
Derivative terms: Mouth, Mouth, Mouth, Mouth, Speaker, Speaking, Speech, Talk, Talk, Talker, Utterable, Utterance, Utterer, Verbalisation, Verbalization, Verbalizer
Also: Mouth Off, Speak Up
2. Verb. Exchange thoughts; talk with. "Sam and Sue speak"; "Actions talk louder than words"
Generic synonyms: Communicate, Intercommunicate
Specialized synonyms: Carry On, Continue, Go On, Proceed, Discourse, Dissertate, Hold Forth, Pontificate, Orate, Talk Down, Spiel, Dogmatise, Dogmatize, Cheek, Level, Talk Turkey, Monologuise, Monologuize, Soliloquise, Soliloquize, Converse, Discourse, Butterfly, Chat Up, Coquet, Coquette, Dally, Flirt, Mash, Philander, Romance, Dish The Dirt, Gossip, Rap
Also: Speak For
Derivative terms: Speech, Talk, Talk, Talkative, Talking
3. Verb. Use language. "Sam and Sue speak"; "They speak a strange dialect"
Generic synonyms: Communicate, Intercommunicate
Specialized synonyms: Run On, Smatter, Slang
Derivative terms: Speaking, Speech, Talk, Talker
4. Verb. Give a speech to. "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
Specialized synonyms: Blaze Away, Memorialise, Memorialize, Keynote, Harangue
Entails: Talk
Derivative terms: Address, Addressee, Speaking, Speech
5. Verb. Make a characteristic or natural sound. "The drums spoke"
Definition of Speak
1. v. i. To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
2. v. t. To utter with the mouth; to pronounce; to utter articulately, as human beings.
Definition of Speak
1. Verb. (intransitive) To communicate with one's voice, to say words out loud. ¹
2. Verb. (intransitive) To have a conversation. ¹
3. Verb. (context: by extension) To communicate or converse by some means other than orally, such as writing or facial expressions. ¹
4. Verb. (intransitive) To deliver a message to a group; to deliver a speech. ¹
5. Verb. (transitive) To be able to communicate in a language. ¹
6. Verb. (transitive) To utter. ¹
7. Verb. (transitive) To communicate (some fact or feeling); to bespeak, to indicate. ¹
8. Noun. language, jargon, or terminology used uniquely in a particular environment or group. ¹
9. Noun. (dated) a low class bar, a speakeasy. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Speak
1. to utter words [v SPOKE or SPAKE, SPOKEN, SPEAKING, SPEAKS]