Definition of Mental institution

1. Noun. A hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person.

Definition of Mental institution

1. Noun. (derogatory slang) A psychiatric hospital, or the psychiatric ward of a hospital. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mental Institution

mental gymnastics
mental healing
mental health
mental health services
mental home
mental hospital
mental hospitals
mental hygiene
mental illness
mental illnesses
mental image
mental imagery
mental impairment
mental impression
mental institution
mental institutions
mental lexicon
mental measurement
mental nerve
mental note
mental object
mental objects
mental picture
mental point
mental process
mental processes
mental protuberance
mental quickness

Literary usage of Mental institution

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Gun Controls: Options for Improving the National Instant Criminal Background edited by Laurie E. Ekstrand, Danny R. Burton (2000)
""According to ATF regulations, (1) individuals committed to a mental institution by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority; ..."

2. Abandoned to the State: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages by Kathleen Hunt (1999)
"One was sent to a mental institution because the director was offended by the family. One older child was sent to a mental institution because he was ..."

3. Gun Control: Opportunities to Close Loopholes in the National Instant by Laurie E. Ekstrand, Danny R. Burton (2003)
""California allows this restoration for persons who have been involuntarily committed for 14 days or less to a mental institution, which is a state firearms ..."

4. Prison Slavery by Barbara Esposito, Lee Wood, Kathryn Bardsley (1982)
"They locked me down even tighter, then sent me to a mental institution so I wouldn't screw ... My baby was born there. The mental institution sent me back. ..."

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