Definition of Wave

1. Verb. Signal with the hands or nod. "He waved his hand hospitably"

Exact synonyms: Beckon
Generic synonyms: Gesticulate, Gesture, Motion
Derivative terms: Waver, Waving

2. Noun. One of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water).

3. Verb. Move or swing back and forth. "She waved her gun"
Exact synonyms: Brandish, Flourish
Entails: Hold, Take Hold
Specialized synonyms: Wigwag
Generic synonyms: Displace, Move
Derivative terms: Brandish, Flourish, Waver

4. Noun. A movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon. "Troops advancing in waves"
Generic synonyms: Motility, Motion, Move, Movement

5. Verb. Move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion. "The waves rolled towards the beach"
Exact synonyms: Flap, Roll, Undulate
Generic synonyms: Move
Specialized synonyms: Luff
Derivative terms: Flap, Flapping, Roller, Undulation, Undulation

6. Noun. (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth.

7. Verb. Twist or roll into coils or ringlets. "They wave their hair "; "Curl my hair, please"
Exact synonyms: Curl
Generic synonyms: Twist
Specialized synonyms: Crape, Crimp, Frizz, Frizzle, Kink, Kink Up
Derivative terms: Curl, Curler

8. Noun. Something that rises rapidly. "A wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right"
Generic synonyms: Rise

9. Verb. Set waves in. "They wave their hair "; "She asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"
Generic synonyms: Arrange, Coif, Coiffe, Coiffure, Do, Dress, Set
Specialized synonyms: Marcel, Gauffer, Goffer, Perm

10. Noun. The act of signaling by a movement of the hand.
Exact synonyms: Wafture, Waving
Generic synonyms: Gesture, Motion
Specialized synonyms: Brandish, Flourish

11. Noun. A hairdo that creates undulations in the hair.
Generic synonyms: Coif, Coiffure, Hair Style, Hairdo, Hairstyle
Specialized synonyms: Finger Wave, Perm, Permanent, Permanent Wave
Derivative terms: Wavy

12. Noun. An undulating curve.
Exact synonyms: Undulation
Generic synonyms: Curve, Curved Shape
Specialized synonyms: Sine Curve, Sinusoid

13. Noun. A persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures). "A heat wave"
Specialized synonyms: Cold Wave, Heat Wave
Terms within: Wave Front
Generic synonyms: Atmospheric Condition, Conditions, Weather, Weather Condition

14. Noun. A member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch.
Generic synonyms: Reservist, Adult Female, Woman

Definition of Wave

1. v. t. See Waive.

2. v. i. To play loosely; to move like a wave, one way and the other; to float; to flutter; to undulate.

3. v. t. To move one way and the other; to brandish.

4. n. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation.

5. n. Something resembling or likened to a water wave, as in rising unusually high, in being of unusual extent, or in progressive motion; a swelling or excitement, as of feeling or energy; a tide; flood; period of intensity, usual activity, or the like; as, a wave of enthusiasm.

6. v. t. See Waive.

7. v. i. To play loosely; to move like a wave, one way and the other; to float; to flutter; to undulate.

8. v. t. To move one way and the other; to brandish.

9. n. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation.

10. n. Something resembling or likened to a water wave, as in rising unusually high, in being of unusual extent, or in progressive motion; a swelling or excitement, as of feeling or energy; a tide; flood; period of intensity, usual activity, or the like; as, a wave of enthusiasm.

Definition of Wave

1. Verb. (intransitive) To move back and forth repeatedly. ¹

2. Verb. (intransitive) To wave one’s hand in greeting or departure. ¹

3. Verb. (intransitive) To have an undulating or wavy form. ¹

4. Verb. (transitive) To produce waves to the hair. ¹

5. Verb. (intransitive baseball) To swing and miss at a pitch. ¹

6. Verb. (transitive) To cause to move back and forth repeatedly. ¹

7. Verb. (transitive) To signal (someone or something) with a waving movement. ¹

8. Verb. (intransitive) To try, in public, to attract people into a business establishment. ¹

9. Noun. A moving disturbance in the level of a body of water; undulation. ¹

10. Noun. (physics) A moving disturbance in the energy level of a field. ¹

11. Noun. A shape which alternatingly curves in opposite directions. ¹

12. Noun. (figuratively) A sudden unusually large amount of something that is temporarily experienced. ¹

13. Noun. A sideway movement of the hand(s). ¹

14. Noun. A group activity in a crowd imitating a wave going through water, where people in successive parts of the crowd stand and stretch upward, then sit. Usually referred to as "the wave" ¹

15. Verb. (obsolete spelling of waive) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Wave

1. to move freely back and forth or up and down [v WAVED, WAVING, WAVES]

Medical Definition of Wave

1. 1. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation. "The wave behind impels the wave before." (Pope) 2. A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound; an assemblage of vibrating molecules in all phases of a vibration, with no phase repeated; a wave of vibration; an undulation. See Undulation. 3. Water; a body of water. "Deep drank Lord Marmion of the wave." "Build a ship to save thee from the flood, I 'll furnish thee with fresh wave, bread, and wine." (Chapman) 4. Unevenness; inequality of surface. 5. A waving or undulating motion; a signal made with the hand, a flag, etc. 6. The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel. 7. A swelling or excitement of thought, feeling, or energy; a tide; as, waves of enthusiasm. Wave front See Undulatory theory, under Undulatory. Origin: From Wave,; not the same word as OE. Wawe, waghe, a wave, which is akin to E. Wag to move. See Wave. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Wave

wave (current term)
wave-particle duality
wave analyzer
wave angle
wave away
wave dash
wave dashes
wave down
wave equation
wave field synthesis
wave form
wave front
wave function
wave functions

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