Definition of Major diameter

1. Noun. The outermost or largest diameter of something that has multiple circular, cylindrical, or helical features (e.g. a screw or gear) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Major Diameter

major-league club
major-league team
major affective disorder
major agglutinin
major amblyoscope
major amputation
major arcana
major axes
major axis
major calices
major chord
major connector
major depression
major depressive episode
major diameter (current term)
major diatonic scale
major duodenal papilla
major element
major epilepsy
major fissure
major forceps
major general
major generals
major groove
major hippocampus
major histocompatabilty complex
major histocompatibility antigen
major histocompatibility complex

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