Definition of Long stop

1. Noun. (cricket) A fielding position, now confined to the amateur game, behind the wicket-keeper (so as to retrieve balls that the wicket-keeper misses); a fielder in this position ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Long Stop

long road to hoe
long root of ciliary ganglion
long row to hoe
long run
long s
long saphenous nerve
long saphenous vein
long scale
long screwdriver
long shot
long shots
long sight
long since
long sleeve
long spine board
long stop
long stops
long story short
long subscapular nerve
long suit
long sweetening
long sword
long swords
long tail
long tails
long term
long terminal repeat sequences
long thoracic artery
long thoracic nerve
long thoracic vein

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