Definition of Long since

1. Adverb. Of the distant or comparatively distant past. "Lang syne"

Exact synonyms: Lang Syne, Long Ago

Definition of Long since

1. Adverb. (idiomatic) Long ago; in the (distant) past. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Long Since

long radial extensor muscle of wrist
long ranger
long rangers
long road to hoe
long root of ciliary ganglion
long row to hoe
long run
long s
long saphenous nerve
long saphenous vein
long scale
long screwdriver
long shot
long shots
long sight
long since (current term)
long sleeve
long spine board
long stop
long stops
long story short
long subscapular nerve
long suit
long sweetening
long sword
long swords
long tail
long tails
long term
long terminal repeat sequences

Literary usage of Long since

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Confessions of an English Opium-eater by Thomas De Quincey (1913)
"Now I wish to see her no longer, but think of her, more gladly, as one long since laid in the grave—in the grave, I would hope, of a Magdalen; ..."

2. The Life and Theatrical Times of Charles Kean, F.S.A. by Fanny Kemble, Kate Field, John William Cole (1882)
"How long it is since we have been even thus near each other! how long since we have hoped so soon to hear each other's voice! Ever your affectionate r. ..."

3. The Lancet (1842)
"On examination, thirty-six hours after de- e, the body was found moderately stout ; the few hairs that remained were silvery ; his teeth had long since ..."

4. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1888)
"of the borrowed money, has long since been discharged in full; and that, nevertheless, the defendant refused to convey to him, and was inequitably ..."

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