Definition of Liquid

1. Adjective. Existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow. "Water and milk and blood are liquid substances"

2. Noun. A substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure.

3. Adjective. Filled or brimming with tears. "Sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid"
Exact synonyms: Swimming
Similar to: Tearful
Derivative terms: Liquidness

4. Noun. The state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility.
Exact synonyms: Liquid State, Liquidity, Liquidness
Generic synonyms: State, State Of Matter
Derivative terms: Liquify, Liquify

5. Adjective. Clear and bright. "Limpid blue eyes"
Exact synonyms: Limpid
Similar to: Clear

6. Noun. Fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume.
Specialized synonyms: Artificial Blood, Elixir, H2o, Water, Extravasation, Instillation, Liquid Crystal, Spill, Tuberculin
Generic synonyms: Fluid
Derivative terms: Liquify, Liquify

7. Adjective. Changed from a solid to a liquid state. "Rivers filled to overflowing by melted snow"
Exact synonyms: Liquified, Melted
Also: Unfrozen
Similar to: Dissolved, Fusible, Liquefied, Liquified, Molten, Thawed
Derivative terms: Liquidness
Antonyms: Unmelted

8. Noun. A frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially 'l' and 'r').
Generic synonyms: Consonant

9. Adjective. Smooth and flowing in quality; entirely free of harshness. "The liquid song of a robin"
Similar to: Musical

10. Adjective. Smooth and unconstrained in movement. "The liquid grace of a ballerina"
Exact synonyms: Fluent, Fluid, Smooth
Similar to: Graceful
Derivative terms: Smoothness

11. Adjective. In cash or easily convertible to cash. "Liquid (or fluid) assets"
Exact synonyms: Fluid
Similar to: Disposable
Derivative terms: Liquidity

Definition of Liquid

1. a. Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid.

2. n. A substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and therefore retain no definite form; any substance in the state of liquidity; a fluid that is not aëriform.

Definition of Liquid

1. Noun. (physics) A substance that is flowing, and keeping no shape, such as water; a substance of which the molecules, while not tending to separate from one another like those of a gas, readily change their relative position, and which therefore retains no definite shape, except that determined by the containing receptacle; an inelastic fluid. ¹

2. Noun. (phonetics) An ''l'' or ''r'' sound. ¹

3. Adjective. Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous; composed of particles that move freely among each other on the slightest pressure. ¹

4. Adjective. (finance of an asset) Easily sold or disposed of without losing value. ¹

5. Adjective. (finance of a market) Having sufficient trading activity to make buying or selling easy. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Liquid

1. a substance that flows freely [n -S]

Medical Definition of Liquid

1. 1. A substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and therefore retain no definite form; any substance in the state of liquidity; a fluid that is not aeriform. Liquid and fluid are terms often used synonymously, but fluid has the broader signification. All liquids are fluids, but many fluids, as air and the gases, are not liquids. 2. A letter which has a smooth, flowing sound, or which flows smoothly after a mute; as, l and r, in bla, bra. M and n also are called liquids. Liquid measure, a measure, or system of measuring, for liquids, by the gallon, quart, pint, gill, etc. 1. Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid. "Yes, though he go upon the plane and liquid water which will receive no step." (Tyndale) 2. Being in such a state that the component parts move among themselves, but do not tend to separate from each other as the particles of gases and vapors do; neither solid nor aeriform; as, liquid mercury, in distinction from mercury solidified or in a state of vapor. 3. Flowing or sounding smoothly or without abrupt transitions or harsh tones. "Liquid melody." 4. Pronounced without any jar or harshness; smooth; as, l and r are liquid letters. 5. Fluid and transparent; as, the liquid air. 6. Clear; definite in terms or amount. "Though the debt should be entirely liquid." Liquid glass. See Soluble glass, under Glass. Origin: L. Liquidus, fr. Liquere to be fluid or liquid; cf. Skr. Ri to ooze, drop, li to melt. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Liquid

liquefied petroleum gas
liquid (current term)
liquid-liquid chromatography
liquid-metal fast-breeder reactor
liquid air
liquid ammonia
liquid bleach
liquid body substance
liquid bomb
liquid bombs
liquid courage
liquid crystal

Literary usage of Liquid

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and by Hugh Chisholm (1911)
"If liquid hydrogen is to be used as the calorimetric substance the ... In this case the outer vessel must contain liquid hydrogen instead of liquid air. ..."

2. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"To do this, consider a film of liquid bounded by the sides of a rectangle, ... We are thus led to the same rule for the form of a liquid surface as that ..."

3. Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Standard Work of Reference in Art, Literature (1907)
"The temperature at which the liquid and gaseous states merge into one another has been called by Andrews the critical point. ..."

4. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1900)
"In about five minutes, 20 cc of liquid hydrogen were collected, when the hydrogen jet froze up, ... The yield of liquid was about one per cent, of the gas. ..."

5. Chemical Abstracts by American Chemical Society (1915)
"The objection to this is that the quality of a liquid glue cannot be detd. by ... To overcome this objection it would be necessary to label the liquid glue ..."

6. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London by Royal Society (Great Britain) (1881)
"On the Limit of the liquid State." By JB HANNAY, FRSE Communicated by Professor GG STOKES. Sec. RS Received February 22, 1881. (Abstract. ..."

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