Definition of Horn

1. Verb. Stab or pierce with a horn or tusk. "The rhino horned the explorer"

Exact synonyms: Tusk
Generic synonyms: Pierce, Thrust
Derivative terms: Tusk, Tusk

2. Noun. A noisemaker (as at parties or games) that makes a loud noise when you blow through it.
Category relationships: Game
Generic synonyms: Noisemaker

3. Noun. One of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates.
Specialized synonyms: Antler
Group relationships: Bull, Ram, Tup, Caprine Animal, Goat
Terms within: Bone, Os
Generic synonyms: Appendage, Outgrowth, Process
Derivative terms: Horny

4. Noun. A noise made by the driver of an automobile to give warning.
Generic synonyms: Alarm, Alarum, Alert, Warning Signal

5. Noun. A high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather).
Exact synonyms: Saddle Horn
Generic synonyms: Pommel, Saddlebow
Group relationships: Stock Saddle, Western Saddle

6. Noun. A brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves.
Exact synonyms: Cornet, Trump, Trumpet
Generic synonyms: Brass, Brass Instrument
Specialized synonyms: Serpent
Derivative terms: Cornetist, Trump, Trumpet

7. Noun. Any hard protuberance from the head of an organism that is similar to or suggestive of a horn.
Generic synonyms: Appendage, Outgrowth, Process

8. Noun. The material (mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails.
Terms within: Ceratin, Keratin
Generic synonyms: Animal Material
Specialized synonyms: Baleen, Whalebone, Tortoiseshell
Derivative terms: Horny

9. Noun. A device having the shape of a horn. "The cleat had two horns"
Generic synonyms: Device

10. Noun. An alarm device that makes a loud warning sound.
Specialized synonyms: Air Horn, Foghorn, Claxon, Klaxon, Shofar, Shophar
Generic synonyms: Alarm, Alarm System, Warning Device

11. Noun. A brass musical instrument consisting of a conical tube that is coiled into a spiral and played by means of valves.
Exact synonyms: French Horn
Generic synonyms: Brass, Brass Instrument

12. Noun. A device on an automobile for making a warning noise.
Exact synonyms: Automobile Horn, Car Horn, Hooter, Motor Horn
Generic synonyms: Alarm, Alarm System, Warning Device
Group relationships: Auto, Automobile, Car, Machine, Motorcar
Terms within: Horn Button
Derivative terms: Hoot

Definition of Horn

1. n. A hard, projecting, and usually pointed organ, growing upon the heads of certain animals, esp. of the ruminants, as cattle, goats, and the like. The hollow horns of the Ox family consist externally of true horn, and are never shed.

2. v. t. To furnish with horns; to give the shape of a horn to.

Definition of Horn

1. Noun. A hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals. ¹

2. Noun. The hard substance from which animals' horns are made, sometimes used by man as a material for making various objects. ¹

3. Noun. Any of several musical wind instruments. ¹

4. Noun. An instrument resembling a musical horn and used to signal others. ¹

5. Noun. A loud alarm, especially one on a motor vehicle. ¹

6. Noun. A conical device used to direct waves. ¹

7. Noun. (informal countable) Generally, any brass wind instrument. ¹

8. Noun. (slang countable from the horn-shaped earpieces of old communication systems that used air tubes) A telephone. ¹

9. Noun. (uncountable coarse slang definite article) An erection of the penis. ¹

10. Noun. A peninsula or crescent-shaped tract of land. "''to navigate around the horn''." ¹

11. Noun. A diacritical mark that may be attached to the top right corner of the letters '''o''' and '''u''' when writing in Vietnamese, thus forming '''?''' and '''?'''. ¹

12. Verb. (context: of an animal) To assault with the horns ¹

13. Verb. (slang obsolete) To cuckold ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Horn

1. to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Horn

1. 1. A hard, projecting, and usually pointed organ, growing upon the heads of certain animals, especially. Of the ruminants, as cattle, goats, and the like. The hollow horns of the Ox family consist externally of true horn, and are never shed. 2. The antler of a deer, which is of bone throughout, and annually shed and renewed. 3. Any natural projection or excrescence from an animal, resembling or thought to resemble a horn in substance or form; especially., A projection from the beak of a bird, as in the hornbill. A tuft of feathers on the head of a bird, as in the horned owl. A hornlike projection from the head or thorax of an insect, or the head of a reptile, or fish. A sharp spine in front of the fins of a fish, as in the horned pout. 4. An incurved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed (Asclepias). 5. Something made of a horn, or in resemblance of a horn; as: A wind instrument of music; originally, one made of a horn (of an ox or a ram); now applied to various elaborately wrought instruments of brass or other metal, resembling a horn in shape. "Wind his horn under the castle wall." . See French horn. A drinking cup, or beaker, as having been originally made of the horns of cattle. "Horns of mead and ale." . The cornucopia, or horn of plenty. See Cornucopia. "Fruits and flowers from Amalthaea's horn." . A vessel made of a horn; especially, one designed for containing powder; anciently, a small vessel for carrying liquids. "Samuel took the hornof oil and anointed him [David]" . The pointed beak of an anvil. The high pommel of a saddle; also, either of the projections on a lady's saddle for supporting the leg. A curved projection on the fore part of a plane. One of the projections at the four corners of the Jewish altar of burnt offering. "Joab . . . Caught hold on the horns of the altar." . 6. One of the curved ends of a crescent; especially, an extremity or cusp of the moon when crescent-shaped. "The moon Wears a wan circle round her blunted horns." (Thomson) 7. The curving extremity of the wing of an army or of a squadron drawn up in a crescentlike form. "Sharpening in mooned horns Their phalanx." (Milton) 8. The tough, fibrous material of which true horns are composed, being, in the Ox family, chiefly albuminous, with some phosphate of lime; also, any similar substance, as that which forms the hoof crust of horses, sheep, and cattle; as, a spoon of horn. 9. A symbol of strength, power, glory, exaltation, or pride. "The Lord is . . . The horn of my salvation." (Ps. Xviii. 2) 10. An emblem of a cuckold; used chiefly in the plural. "Thicker than a cuckold's horn." Horn block, the frame or pedestal in which a railway car axle box slides up and down; also called horn plate. Horn of a dilemma. See Dilemma. Horn distemper, a disease of cattle, affecting the internal substance of the horn. Horn drum, a wheel with long curved scoops, for raising water. Horn lead Same as Horn quicksilver (below). Horn poppy, to exalt one's self; to act arrogantly. "'Gainst them that raised thee dost thou lift thy horn?" . To take a horn, to take a drink of intoxicating liquor. Origin: AS. Horn; akin to D. Horen, hoorn, G, Icel, Sw, & Dan. Horn, Goth. Haorn, W, Gael, & Ir. Corn, L. Cornu, Gr, and perh. Also to E. Cheer, cranium, cerebral; cf. Skr. Ciras head. Cf. Carat, Corn on the foot, Cornea, Corner, Cornet, Cornucopia, Hart. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Horn

hormone-replacement therapy
hormone antagonists
horn antenna
horn dogs
horn fly
horn in
horn of plenty
horn poppy

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