¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Fritterers
1. fritterer [n] - See also: fritterer
Lexicographical Neighbors of Fritterers
Literary usage of Fritterers
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The American Girl by Winifred Buck (1917)
"... sorry to say, are great fritterers. We have been called the most wasteful
nation on earth, I fear with justice. The savings bank habit will cure you of ..."
2. Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his pilgrimes: Contayning a History of the by Samuel Purchas (1905)
"Next whereunto is the place of Smoke, so called, by reason of continuall smoke:
here are certaine Fritters or Cakes fried in Oyle, like unto fritterers. ..."
3. Hand-book for Emigrants, and Others: Being a History of New Zealand, Its by John Bright (1841)
"... which leave little leisure for " reflection, or for reading more than those
fritterers "of the mind—daily newspapers and ephemeral "trash. ..."
4. "Christ is All.": The Gospel of the Pentateuch by Henry Law (1867)
"The timid clippers of God's word, the trembling fritterers, suppress reality,
and so deceive. Satan has cast a wily net. His arts succeed. ..."