¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Fritillaries
1. fritillary [n] - See also: fritillary
Lexicographical Neighbors of Fritillaries
Literary usage of Fritillaries
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: A Discussion for the Amateur, and by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1915)
"The white in fritillaries is perhaps always more or less greenish, and .the white
color in ... This group includes the crown imperial and the fritillaries, ..."
2. How to Know the Butterflies: A Manual of the Butterflies of the Eastern by John Henry Comstock, Anna Botsford Comstock (1904)
"... and the Pacific Ocean only limits its southward range in the West. In ground
color it resembles the monarch more than it does the fritillaries ..."
3. The calendar of the months; or, The young naturalist abroad by John George Wood (1873)
"One of the commonest fritillaries, it is one of the handsomest, its rich mottled
upper surface and silver-spotted under surface having a most singular ..."
4. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture: Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation by Liberty Hyde Bailey, Wilhelm Miller (1900)
"The white in fritillaries is perhaps always more or less greenish, ... The culture
of fritillaries is rather complicated, '2 kinds capable of being ..."
5. Old Time Gardens, Newly Set Forth by Alice Morse Earle (1902)
"A strong personal trait of the fritillaries (for I may so speak of flowers I love)
... fritillaries were a flower of significance even in Elizabethan days. ..."