Definition of Lactarius
1. Noun. Large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous species.
Generic synonyms: Fungus Genus
Group relationships: Agaricaceae, Family Agaricaceae
Member holonyms: Lactarius Delicioso, Milkcap
Lexicographical Neighbors of Lactarius
Literary usage of Lactarius
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Report (1904)
"Lactarius brevipes Longyear. Described in 3d annual report of Michigan Academy
of Science, ... Lactarius deliciosus Fr. Found only twice in a mossy swamp. ..."
2. A Preliminary Report on the Hymeniales of Connecticut by Edward Albert White (1905)
"Lactarius chelidonium Pk. (referring to the Celandine, a flowering plant with
... Lactarius luteolus Pk. (yellowish). South Windsor, Hanmer. Lactarius ..."
3. Plant Life of Alabama: An Account of the Distribution, Modes of Association by Charles Theodore Mohr (1901)
"Lactarius indigo (Schw.) Fr. Ala. Bull. 260. Cornell Bull. 26. On the ground in
damp woods ... Lactarius salmoneus Peck, Bull. Torr. Club, 25 : 369. 1898. ..."
4. La démocratie libérale by Thomas Hodgkin, Etienne Vacherot (1896)
"BOOK v. desperate, fell back from their previous line, and took ' up their position
in the Mons Lactarius l, an outlier of ..."
5. The Mushroom Book: A Popular Guide to the Identification and Study of Our by Nina Lovering Marshall (1901)
"GENUS Lactarius A milky or coloured juice exuding from the broken gills of a ...
Peppery Lactarius (Edible) Lactarius piperatus Cap or Pileus—Creamy white ..."
6. Reports of Explorations and Surveys: To Ascertain the Most Practicable and by United States War Dept, Joseph Henry, United States Army. Corps of Engineers, Spencer Fullerton Baird (1855)
"... lactarius, GRD. in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. VIII, 1856, 174. It is closely
allied to the preceding species, from which, it differs by a stouter head ..."
7. Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes: A Descriptive Catalogue of the by Worthington George Smith (1908)
"The species, except 1305, grow on the ground. The nearest allies Fig. 62.—A,
Lactarius ... The mould Penicillium maero- sporum occurs on Lactarius. ..."