Definition of Tip over
1. Verb. Cause to overturn from an upright or normal position. "These cars won't tip over "; "He tumped over his beer"
Generic synonyms: Displace, Move
Causes: Overturn, Tump Over, Turn Over
Related verbs: Overturn, Tump Over, Turn Over
Derivative terms: Overturn, Turnover, Upset
2. Verb. Turn from an upright or normal position. "These cars won't tip over "; "The canoe tumped over"
Specialized synonyms: Capsize, Turn Turtle, Turtle, Upend
Generic synonyms: Turn
Related verbs: Bowl Over, Knock Over, Overturn, Tump Over, Turn Over, Upset
Derivative terms: Overturn, Turnover
Definition of Tip over
1. Noun. (soccer) An action where the goalkeeper deflects the ball over the crossbar. ¹
2. Verb. (ergative) (to cause) to topple over and fall ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Lexicographical Neighbors of Tip Over
Literary usage of Tip over
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Discoveries in Every-day Europe: Vagrant Notes of a Rapid Journey by Don Carlos Seitz (1907)
"... tip over every time it makes a turn. Half an hour's ride in one should loosen
ordinary teeth, such is the vibration. All London rides in them, though, ..."
2. Platform Echos; Or, Living Truths for Head & Heart ...: With a History of Mr by John Bartholomew Gough, Lyman Abbott (1886)
"... as Any of You" —Fighting the Pump — An Unceremonious Tip-over — The Tipsy
Students — Decidedly Muddled — Kicking Each Other Out of Bed—A Grotesque Scene ..."
3. A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous Or Parallel Expressions by Richard Soule (1871)
"tip over, (Neuter.) Fall over. Tipple, vn Tope, guzzle, drink hard, be addicted
to strong drink. Tippled, a. Intoxicated, TIPSY. Tipsy, a. ..."
4. A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous Or Parallel Expressions by Richard Soule, George Holmes Howison (1891)
"tip over. (Active.) Overt uni, turn over. tip over, (\euter.) Fall over. Tipple,
v- rt. Tope, guzzle, drink hard, be addicted to strong drink. Tippled, a. ..."
5. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research by American Society for Psychical Research (1910)
"I saw that tip over three times. And a pitcher full of milk up on the shelf ...
And the lounge didn't tip over when I saw it but it raised up at one end. ..."