Definition of Skim
1. Adjective. Used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed. "She can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter"
2. Verb. Travel on the surface of water.
3. Noun. A thin layer covering the surface of a liquid. "There was a thin skim of oil on the water"
4. Verb. Move or pass swiftly and lightly over the surface of.
5. Noun. Reading or glancing through quickly.
6. Verb. Examine hastily. "She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi"
Generic synonyms: Examine, See
Derivative terms: Skimming
7. Verb. Cause to skip over a surface. "Skip a stone across the pond"
8. Verb. Coat (a liquid) with a layer.
9. Verb. Remove from the surface. "Skim cream from the surface of milk"
Generic synonyms: Remove, Take, Take Away, Withdraw
Also: Cream Off, Skim Off
Derivative terms: Skimmer, Skimming
10. Verb. Read superficially.
Definition of Skim
1. v. t. To clear (a liquid) from scum or substance floating or lying thereon, by means of a utensil that passes just beneath the surface; as, to skim milk; to skim broth.
2. v. i. To pass lightly; to glide along in an even, smooth course; to glide along near the surface.
3. a. Contraction of Skimming and Skimmed.
4. n. Scum; refuse.
Definition of Skim
1. Verb. (transitive) to throw an object so it bounces on water (''skimming stones'') ¹
2. Verb. (intransitive) to ricochet ¹
3. Verb. (intransitive) to read quickly, skipping some detail ¹
4. Verb. (transitive) to scrape off; to remove (something) from a surface ¹
5. Verb. (transitive) to carefully remove the cream that floats on top of fresh milk ¹
6. Adjective. (context: of milk) Having lowered fat content. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Skim
1. to remove floating matter from the surface of [v SKIMMED, SKIMMING, SKIMS]