Definition of Scimiter
1. n. A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the convex side, -- in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs and persians.
Definition of Scimiter
1. scimitar [n -S] - See also: scimitar
Lexicographical Neighbors of Scimiter
Literary usage of Scimiter
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Jones Readers by Grades by Lewis Henry Jones (1904)
"SWORD AND scimiter WALTER SCOTT NOTE " The Talisman," one of the most interesting
of Scott's novels, deals with the period of the crusades. ..."
2. The Jones First [-fifth] Reader by Lewis Henry Jones (1903)
"SWORD AND scimiter SIR WALTER SCOTT NOTE. — " The Talisman," one of the most
interesting of Scott's novels, deals with the period of the crusades. ..."
3. The Jones First [-fifth] Reader by Lewis Henry Jones (1903)
"SWORD AND scimiter WALTER SCOTT NOTE " The Talisman," one of the most interesting
of Scott's novels, deals with the period of the crusades. ..."
4. Fifty Contemporary One-act Plays by Frank Shay, Pierre Loving (1920)
"... They halt Vizier brandishes his scimiter Wazir points to Shepherd Nubian ...
Points at Shepherd Shepherd grasps scimiter Vizier attacks Shepherd with ..."
5. Fifty Contemporary One-act Plays by Frank Shay, Pierre Loving (1920)
"... right Wazir points to Shepherd Vizier brandishes his scimiter Nubian approaches
Shepherd Nubian falls Wazir shakes his fists Points at Shepherd Shepherd ..."
6. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society by Mississippi Historical Society, Franklin Lafayette Riley (1903)
"When the scimiter article first appeared, I wrote Captain Young as to the error in
... You remember the original scimiter article was undertaken to prove or ..."