Medical Definition of Scillaren
1. A mixture of glycosides, possessing digitalis-like actions, present in squill. Scillaren A, a crystalline steroidal glycoside, present in squill (Scilla maritima), that can be hydrolyzed to glucose and proscillaridin A; the latter can be hydrolyzed to rhamnose and the steroid aglycone scillaridin A; same actions and uses as digitalis glycosides. Synonym: transvaalin. Scillaren B, an amorphous glycosidal fraction obtained from squill, consisting of at least seven cardioactive glycosides: glucoscillaren A, scillipheoside, glucoscillipheoside, scillicryptoside, scilliglaucoside, scillicyanoside, and scillazuroside. (05 Mar 2000)