Definition of Route

1. Verb. Send documents or materials to appropriate destinations.

Generic synonyms: Despatch, Dispatch, Send Off

2. Noun. An established line of travel or access.

3. Verb. Send via a specific route.
Generic synonyms: Direct, Send

4. Noun. An open way (generally public) for travel or transportation.

5. Verb. Divert in a specified direction. "Divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders"
Generic synonyms: Divert

Definition of Route

1. n. The course or way which is traveled or passed, or is to be passed; a passing; a course; a road or path; a march.

Definition of Route

1. Noun. A course or way which is traveled or passed. ¹

2. Noun. A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger transportation. ¹

3. Noun. A road or path; often specifically a highway. ¹

4. Noun. (figuratively) An option for how to solve a given problem or achieve a given goal: a method, a way, a path, an approach. ¹

5. Verb. To direct or divert along a particular course. ¹

6. Verb. (Internet) to connect two local area networks, thereby forming an internet ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Route

1. to send on a particular course [v ROUTED, ROUTING, ROUTES]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Route

rout out
rout up
route (current term)
route of administration
route one football
route planner
router plane

Literary usage of Route

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's Two-Lane Highways by Jamie Jensen (2006)
"But perhaps the most compelling reason to follow route 66 is to experience the ... Before it was called route 66, and long before it was even paved in 1926, ..."

2. Proceedings by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Francis Galton, William Spottiswoode, Clements Robert Markham, Henry Walter Bates, John Scott Keltie (1888)
"The information in the possession of the Intelligence Department showed that in the only part of the country where a suitable route was likely to exist, ..."

3. The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind by Herbert George Wells (1922)
"He went by the northern route, crossing the desert of Gobi, passing along the ... He returned by the southern route, crossing the Pamirs from Afghanistan to ..."

4. Proceedings by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Francis Galton, William Spottiswoode, Clements Robert Markham, Henry Walter Bates, John Scott Keltie (1884)
"The camels were the ordinary baggage animals, rough to a degree, going a solemn pace of from two to three miles per hour, according as the route ..."

5. Proceedings by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Francis Galton, William Spottiswoode, Clements Robert Markham, Henry Walter Bates, John Scott Keltie (1890)
"The Great Central Asian Trade route from Peking to ... The actual lengths of the journey were, by the great trade route (68 days, 7 halts), 61 travelling ..."

6. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and (1910)
"Among the chief lines radiating from it are one through Leipzig and Munich and connecting with the Italian railway system by the Brenner route, and another ..."

7. Proceedings by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Francis Galton, William Spottiswoode, Clements Robert Markham, Henry Walter Bates, John Scott Keltie (1880)
"IN the following paper I can hope to give but a very brief outline of the information collected and the route taken by the Society's Expedition. ..."

8. Proceedings by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Francis Galton, William Spottiswoode, Clements Robert Markham, Henry Walter Bates, John Scott Keltie (1882)
"China, ancient sea route to, 651 Southern, ... route map, 413 Irawadi River, the sources of, 328 Malay Peninsula, 45G Maltratta Country, sketch map, ..."

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