¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Naiver
1. naive [adj] - See also: naive
Lexicographical Neighbors of Naiver
Literary usage of Naiver
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Beginnings of Christianity by Paul Wernle, Gustav Adolph Bienemann, William Douglas Morrison, Theodor Mommsen, Heinrich Kiepert, Marion J. Wright (1885)
"... war keineswegs ein naiver Volksglaube, sondern eine hoch entwickelte und
anspruchsvolle Theologie, die nach guter ..."
2. A History of German Literature by John George Robertson (1902)
"... the denizen of a naiver world than ours, he is representative of the vigorous
iconoclasm of the eighteenth century which finally broke with the formal ..."
3. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1844)
"With the enviable naiver.6 of that class whose tradition it is that the King can
do no wrong, Miss Sitwell has ignored the Georges and William as symbols of ..."