¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Lichees
1. lichee [n] - See also: lichee
Lexicographical Neighbors of Lichees
Literary usage of Lichees
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge by ed Andrew Findlater, John Merry Ross (1868)
"Its fruits are oranges, lichees, mangoes, and bananas ; rice is its staple grain,
and it produces the ground-nut, the sweet potato, and the yam. ..."
2. Health and Longevity Through Rational Diet: Practical Hints in Regard to by Arnold Lorand (1913)
"Concerning Certain Varieties of Fruits Little Used except in their Native
Countries (Pineapple, Kaki, Chinese lichees, Mangoes, and Guavas). ..."
3. The Oriental Interpreter and Treasury of East India Knowledge: A Companion by Joachim Hayward Stocqueler (1848)
"And the gathering of the seeds of winter flowers should be finished at its end.
Water young plants. lichees and peaches get scarce at the end of this month ..."
4. The Chinese Repository by Elijah Coleman Bridgman, S. W. Williams (1846)
"and admonished us; and I, yielding to their admonitions, immediately gathered
together the lichees again, put them into the basket, and carried them away. ..."
5. The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China: Or, Ten Years' Travels by John Thomson (1875)
"The tea unfortunately spoiled before I reached Hongkong, but the lichees were
very good. A curious incident occurred in this town during the rule of the ..."
6. Through China with a camera by John Thomson (1899)
"The tea unfortunately spoiled before I reached Hongkong, but the lichees were
very good. A curious incident occurred in this town during the rule of the ..."
7. Commercial Handbook of China by Julean Arnold (1920)
"lichees. The lichee is a delicious fruit raised in South China. ... The reader
may he referred to the report on lichees by Consul General Cheshire, ..."
8. Fourteen Months in Canton by John Henry Gray (1880)
"The monk handed the dried fruit to us on a little two-pronged fork, and opened
the dried lichees before he passed them to us. Henry, then, in true Chinese ..."