¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Licensor
1. licenser [n -S] - See also: licenser
Lexicographical Neighbors of Licensor
Literary usage of Licensor
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Law of Patents for Useful Inventions by William Callyhan Robinson (1890)
"Remedies of licensor against Licensee : Action for Breach of Contract. A licensee
who violates the provisions of his license may be sued on the contract for ..."
2. The Law of Torts: A Treatise on the Principles of Obligations Arising from by Frederick Pollock (1908)
"The grant or revocation of a licence may be either by express words or by any
act sufficiently signifying the licensor's will: if a man has leave and ..."
3. Rights, Remedies, and Practice, at Law, in Equity, and Under the Codes: A by John Davison Lawson (1890)
"Duties and Liabilities of licensor and Licensee.— The general rule is, that the
licensor assumes to the licensee no duty, except to refrain from acts ..."
4. Patents Conveyancing: Being a Collection of Precedents in Conveyancing in by Robert Morris (1887)
"Production fyc. of the letters patent; No remedy if licensor not agree to pay
fees; Non-exclusive licensee cannot sue for infringements, but an exclusive ..."
5. The American and English Encyclopedia of Law by David Shephard Garland, John Houston Merrill, Charles Frederic Williams, Thomas Johnson Michie (1890)
"ESTOPPEL OF licensor.—A license is implied where an inventor, by some declaration
or act, has induced a party to believe that he might innocently use his ..."
6. The Law of Mines and Mining Injuries by Edward Joseph White (1903)
"194. Effect of parol license to mine. 195. Who may be licensor. 196. Powers of
the licensor. 197. Licensee's interest under license. 198. ..."