Definition of Licensing fee
1. Noun. A fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something (as selling liquor or practicing medicine).
Category relationships: Medical Specialty, Medicine
Generic synonyms: Fee
Lexicographical Neighbors of Licensing Fee
Literary usage of Licensing fee
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Task of Social Hygiene by Havelock Ellis (1912)
"The grounds for bringing it forward were that the number of drinking saloons was
excessive, that there was no fixed licensing fee, that too much ..."
2. U. S. Postal Service: Postal Activities and Laws Related to Electronic Commerce by Bernard L. Ungar (2001)
"... does not appear to be a user charge or a licensing fee—the two kinds of revenue
specifically listed in USPS' definition of ..."
3. Turning Science Into Business: Patenting and Licensing at Public Research by OECD Staff, Oecd, (Paris) Organisation for Economic Co-ope (2003)
"The licensing fee, as is typical, consists of two parts: an up- front down payment
and royalties as some percentage of sales. Within the university, licence ..."
4. New Zealand Official Yearbook by New Zealand Dept. of Statistics (1899)
"The registry- office keepers have to pay a licensing fee to the Government, and
to present a certificate of ..."