Definition of Genus actinia

1. Noun. A genus of sea anemone common in rock pools.

Exact synonyms: Actinia
Generic synonyms: Coelenterate Genus
Group relationships: Actinaria, Actiniaria, Order Actinaria, Order Actiniaria

Lexicographical Neighbors of Genus Actinia

genus Acocanthera
genus Acokanthera
genus Aconitum
genus Acorus
genus Acridotheres
genus Acris
genus Acrobates
genus Acrocarpus
genus Acrocephalus
genus Acroclinium
genus Acrocomia
genus Acropora
genus Acrostichum
genus Actaea
genus Actias
genus Actinia
genus Actinidia
genus Actiniopteris
genus Actinomeris
genus Actinomyces
genus Actitis
genus Adalia
genus Adansonia
genus Addax
genus Adelges
genus Adenanthera
genus Adenium
genus Adenota
genus Adiantum
genus Adlumia

Literary usage of Genus actinia

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Tenby: A Sea-side Holiday by Philip Henry Gosse (1856)
"THE SUBDIVISION OF THE genus actinia. IN the preceding pages I have used the ... of making some extracts from it:— " Restricted as is the genus Actinia, ..."

2. Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature: A Classed List of by Nikolaus Triibner (1859)
"Observations on several Species of the genus actinia; illustrated by Figures, by CA Le Sueur. Observations on the Geology of the West India Islands, ..."

3. Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature: A Classed List of by Nicolas Trübner, Benjamin Moran, Edward Edwards (1859)
"Observations on several Species of the genus actinia ; illustrated by Figures, by CA Le Sueur. An Account of the Crustacea of the United States (continued). ..."

4. A Naturalist in the Bahamas: John I. Northrop, October 12, 1861 by Henry Fairfield Osborn, John I. Northrop (1910)
"Verrill, however, assigns his form to the genus Actinia, naming it A. bermudensis, and this, I now believe, is the position to which my ..."

5. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology by John Goodsir (1853)
"Zoological Studies of the genus actinia, being a Continuation of the Anatomical Studies of the same Group, ..."

6. The English Cyclopaedia by Charles Knight (1866)
"... Zoophytes,' Dr. Johnstone enumerates twenty species of the genus Actinia, as found in the British islands. It is, however, a question whether all these ..."

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