Definition of Genus Uta
1. Noun. A reptile genus of Iguanidae.
Generic synonyms: Reptile Genus
Group relationships: Family Iguania, Family Iguanidae, Iguania, Iguanidae
Member holonyms: Sand Lizard, Side-blotched Lizard, Uta Stansburiana
Lexicographical Neighbors of Genus Uta
Literary usage of Genus Uta
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah by Howard Stansbury, Spencer Fullerton Baird, Charles Frédéric Girard, Samuel Stehman Haldeman, John Torrey, James Hall (1853)
"Genus UTA, Baird and Girard. GIN. CHAR.—Upper part of body covered with minute
scales; a pectoral fold; auditory apertures; femoral pores, but no anal cues. ..."
2. Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and Executive by United States Congress. Senate (1851)
"Genus UTA, Baird and Girard. GEN. CHAR.—Upper part of body covered with minute
scales; a pectoral fold; auditory apertures ; femoral pores, but no anal ones ..."
3. College zoology by Robert William Hegner (1918)
"are included in the genus Uta. They live in the arid regions of the Southwestern
states and are all terrestrial. The genus Sceloporus contains about ..."
4. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1864)
"A species technically nearest to the S. couchii, which exhibits much smaller
dorsal scales, and approaching the genus Uta in its ..."
5. The Geographical Distribution of Animals: With a Study of the Relations of by Alfred Russel Wallace (1876)
"No mammalia were observed, and no reptiles but a small lizard, a new species of
a genus (Uta) characteristic of the deserts of N.-Western Mexico. ..."