Definition of Genus Stercorarius

1. Noun. Type genus of the Stercorariidae: jaegers.

Exact synonyms: Stercorarius
Generic synonyms: Bird Genus
Group relationships: Family Stercorariidae, Stercorariidae
Member holonyms: Arctic Skua, Parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius Parasiticus

Lexicographical Neighbors of Genus Stercorarius

genus Steatornis
genus Steganopus
genus Stegosaurus
genus Stelis
genus Stellaria
genus Stenocarpus
genus Stenochlaena
genus Stenopelmatus
genus Stenopterygius
genus Stenotaphrum
genus Stenotomus
genus Stenotus
genus Stentor
genus Stephanomeria
genus Stephanotis
genus Stercorarius (current term)
genus Sterculia
genus Sterna
genus Sternotherus
genus Stevia
genus Sticherus
genus Stictomys
genus Stictopelia
genus Stizolobium
genus Stizostedion
genus Stokesia
genus Storeria
genus Strekelia
genus Strelitzia
genus Strepera

Literary usage of Genus Stercorarius

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Birds of Maine: With Key to and Description of the Various Species Known by Ora Willis Knight (1908)
"Genus STERCORARIUS Brisson. Key to the species of STERCORARIUS. A. Wing more than 13.50; culmen 1.40 or more; tarsus more than 1.90; middle tail feathers ..."

2. A Hand-book to the Birds of Great Britain by Richard Bowdler Sharpe (1897)
"genus Stercorarius. Stercorarius, Briss. Orn. vi. p. 149 (1760). ... The genus Stercorarius comprises a few species of much smaller size than the members of ..."

3. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1864)
"It is a little surprising that Brisson, after instituting the genus Stercorarius for the Jägers, should be so far at fault ..."

4. The Birds of Eastern North America Known to Occur East of the Nineteenth by Charles Barney Cory, Field Museum of Natural History (1899)
"(BRUNN.; Skua. North Atlantic ; south to Carolina; rare on Atlantic coast of United States. genus Stercorarius. BRISS. 19 (36) STERCORARIUS POMARINUS. ..."

5. The Auk: Quarterly Journal of Ornithology by American Ornithologists' Union, Nuttall Ornithological Club (1876)
"Brisson (1764) founded the genus Stercorarius for the Jaegers, but left the Skuas in Larus. Illiger in 1811 proposed ..."

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