Definition of Dyke
1. Verb. Enclose with a dike. "Dike the land to protect it from water"
2. Noun. (slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine.
Exact synonyms: Butch, Dike
Language type: Depreciation, Derogation, Disparagement, Argot, Cant, Jargon, Lingo, Patois, Slang, Vernacular
Generic synonyms: Gay Woman, Lesbian, Tribade
Derivative terms: Butch
Language type: Depreciation, Derogation, Disparagement, Argot, Cant, Jargon, Lingo, Patois, Slang, Vernacular
Generic synonyms: Gay Woman, Lesbian, Tribade
Derivative terms: Butch
3. Noun. A barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea.
Exact synonyms: Dam, Dike
Specialized synonyms: Aswan High Dam, High Dam, Glen Canyon Dam, Hoover Dam
Generic synonyms: Barrier
Specialized synonyms: Milldam, Weir
Derivative terms: Dam, Dike
Specialized synonyms: Aswan High Dam, High Dam, Glen Canyon Dam, Hoover Dam
Generic synonyms: Barrier
Specialized synonyms: Milldam, Weir
Derivative terms: Dam, Dike
Definition of Dyke
1. n. See Dike. The spelling dyke is restricted by some to the geological meaning.
Definition of Dyke
1. Noun. (alternative spelling of dike) ¹
2. Noun. (Australia) (slang) A toilet. ¹
3. Noun. (British) a ditch. ¹
4. Noun. (Sussex) a valley. ¹
5. Noun. (slang pejorative) A lesbian, particularly one who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner. This word has been reclaimed, by some, as politically empowering. (See usage notes.) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Dyke
1. to dike [v DYKED, DYKING, DYKES] - See also: dike
Lexicographical Neighbors of Dyke
dyeweed dyeweeds dyewood dyewoods dygogram dygograms dyin' dying dying(a) dying(p) | dying declaration dying on the vine dyingly dyingness dyings dyked dykes dykier dykiest dyking | dykons dylanesque dym dymonde dymondes dyna |