Definition of Cease-fire
1. Noun. A state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms.
Definition of Cease-fire
1. Noun. alternative spelling of ceasefire ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Lexicographical Neighbors of Cease-fire
Literary usage of Cease-fire
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The U. N. Role in the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Compliance with U. N. Resolutions by DIANE Publishing Company (1994)
"Would it be the legal position of the Administration that a material breach of
the cease fire renders a cease fire null and void, and that, ..."
2. Civilian Devastation: Abuses by All Parties in the War in Southern Sudan by Jemera Rone, John Prendergast, Karen Sorensen (1994)
"The two factions issued a joint press statement on December 17, 1991, reconfirming
the cease-fire. It was soon broken. SPLA-Torit Commander Bior Ajang Duot ..."
3. China and the Allies by Arnold Henry Savage Landor (1901)
"CHAPTER XV The Germans reinforced—Tung-lu orders "cease fire"— Chinese barricades—An
Austrian reconnaissance—Lull in the fighting—White rockets—A faint ray ..."
4. M. I. A.: Accounting for the Missing in Southeast Asia by Paul D. Mather (1995)
"AN UNEASY cease-fire The morning of 28 January 1973 in Saigon was warm and sunny,
and in the streets was the usual Sunday ..."
5. The World and Yugoslavia's Wars by Richard Henry Ullman (1996)
"As a result, the cease-fire did not hold. Yugoslavia, Austria, France, and several
other countries then asked the UN Security Council to deal with the issue ..."
6. To Serve Without Favor: Policing, Human Rights, and Accountability in by Julia Hall (1997)
"The Combined Loyalist Military Command (CLMC) cease-fire commenced on October
... The cease-fire period discussed herein is the period during which both the ..."