Definition of Blood kinship
1. Noun. (anthropology) related by blood.
Category relationships: Anthropology
Generic synonyms: Family Relationship, Kinship, Relationship
Antonyms: Affinity
Derivative terms: Consanguine
Lexicographical Neighbors of Blood Kinship
Literary usage of Blood kinship
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Publications by Folklore Society (Great Britain) (1908)
"BLOOD-KINSHIP. (Vol. xviii. ... a :eremony engendering the relation of blood-kinship
between a nan and a woman, married or not, and giving to the former the ..."
2. Folklore as an Historical Science by George Laurence Gomme (1908)
"shows a constant tendency to substitute blood kinship for the association with
natural objects: first, blood kinship with the mother, then with the mother ..."
3. The American State Reports: Containing the Cases of General Value and by Abraham Clark Freeman (1908)
"155; Helms v. Elliott, 89 Tenn. 446, 14 SW 930, 10 LRA 535. The idea of blood
kinship is sharply accentuated by section 2911 of the same statute. ..."
4. The Family: An Ethnographical and Historical Outline with Descriptive Notes by Elsie Worthington Clews Parsons (1906)
"There is probably no known group of human beings simple family in which no
blood-kinship is recognised outside of the simple group of parents and offspring; ..."
5. Encyclopaedia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary Political and by Thomas Kelly Cheyne, John Sutherland Black (1901)
"As the limits of society extended, the primitive conception of blood-kinship
described above would naturally grow weaker ; that of near kinship in our sense ..."