Definition of Blood

1. Verb. Smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill.

Generic synonyms: Daub, Smear

2. Noun. The fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets. "The ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"

3. Noun. Temperament or disposition. "A person of hot blood"
Generic synonyms: Disposition, Temperament

4. Noun. A dissolute man in fashionable society.
Exact synonyms: Profligate, Rake, Rakehell, Rip, Roue
Generic synonyms: Debauchee, Libertine, Rounder
Derivative terms: Profligate

5. Noun. The descendants of one individual. "His entire lineage has been warriors"

6. Noun. People viewed as members of a group. "We need more young blood in this organization"
Generic synonyms: People

Definition of Blood

1. n. The fluid which circulates in the principal vascular system of animals, carrying nourishment to all parts of the body, and bringing away waste products to be excreted. See under Arterial.

2. v. t. To bleed.

Definition of Blood

1. Noun. A member of the Los Angeles gang The Bloods. ¹

2. Noun. A vital liquid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals that usually conveys nutrients and oxygen. In vertebrates, it is colored red by hemoglobin, is conveyed by arteries and veins, is pumped by the heart and is usually generated in bone marrow. ¹

3. Noun. A family relationship due to birth, such as that between siblings; contrasted with relationships due to marriage or adoption. (''See'' blood relative, blood relation, by blood.) ¹

4. Noun. (context: medicine countable) A blood test or blood sample. ¹

5. Noun. The sap or juice which flows in or from plants. ¹

6. Verb. To cause something to be covered with blood; to bloody. ¹

7. Verb. (medicine historical) To let blood (from); to bleed. ¹

8. Verb. To initiate into warfare or a blood sport. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Blood

1. to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Blood

1. Considered a circulating tissue composed of a fluid portion (plasma) with suspended formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets). Arterial blood is the means by which oxygen and nutrients are transported to tissues, venous blood is the means by which carbon dioxide and metabolic by-products are transported for excretion. (05 Jan 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blood

blood (current term)
blood-aqueous barrier
blood-borne pathogens
blood-brain barrier
blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier
blood-retinal barrier

Literary usage of Blood

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Text-book of Human Physiology by Austin Flint (1888)
"CHAPTER I. THE blood. Quantity of blood—General characters of the bloodblood-corpuscles—Development of the blood-corpuscles—Leucocytes—Development of ..."

2. A Manual of clinical diagnosis by means of microscopic and chemical methods by Charles Edmund Simon (1907)
"CHAPTER I. THE blood. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. IF blood is allowed to flow directly from an artery into a vessel surrounded by a freezing mixture, ..."

3. Clinical Diagnosis: The Bacteriological, Chemical, and Microscopical by Rudolf Jaksch von Wartenhorst (1899)
"From this it follows that the physiology and pathology of the blood represent a ... Arterial and venous blood differ considerably as to colour in health, ..."

4. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1917)
"The catalase content of the blood, taken from the external jugular vein, ... The determinations were made by adding 0.5 cc of blood to 250 cc of hydrogen ..."

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