Definition of Spartan

1. Adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people.

Partainyms: Sparta
Derivative terms: Sparta

2. Noun. A resident of Sparta.
Group relationships: Sparta
Generic synonyms: Greek, Hellene

3. Adjective. Resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity. "Spartan courage"
Similar to: Resolute

4. Adjective. Unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment. "A Spartan upbringing"
Exact synonyms: Severe
Similar to: Nonindulgent, Strict
Derivative terms: Severeness, Severity

5. Adjective. Practicing great self-denial. "A spartan existence"
Exact synonyms: Ascetic, Ascetical, Austere
Similar to: Abstemious
Derivative terms: Ascetic, Ascetic, Austerity

Definition of Spartan

1. a. Of or pertaining to Sparta, especially to ancient Sparta; hence, hardy; undaunted; as, Spartan souls; Spartan bravey.

Definition of Spartan

1. Proper noun. A citizen of Sparta. ¹

2. Adjective. Of or relating to Sparta or its citizens. ¹

3. Adjective. (alternative spelling of spartan) ¹

4. Adjective. Austere, frugal, characterized by self-denial. ¹

5. Adjective. Resolute in the face of danger or adversity. ¹

6. Adjective. Lacking in decoration and luxury. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Spartan

1. marked by avoidance of luxury and comfort [adj]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spartan

Spanish tamarind
Spanish tea
Spanish walk
Sparaxis tricolor
Sparmannia africana
Sparrow Unit
Spartan (current term)
Spartina cynosuroides
Spartina pectinmata
Spartium junceum

Literary usage of Spartan

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1890)
"defendant in respect to the repairs made upon the steamer Spartan. ... Piret: If the jury find that the Spartan, while navigating Lake Superior on June 19th ..."

2. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"VOL.4 —27 BRASIDAS, Spartan general who distinguished himself in the first half of ... But the Spartan victory was purchased with the loss of their general, ..."

3. A Text-Book in the History of Education by Paul Monroe (1905)
"was denied, save in the early period, to women in other parts of Greece; and the Spartan youth, a reverential and obedient demeanor, a reserve in conduct, ..."

4. A Text-book in the History of Education by Paul Monroe (1905)
"was denied, save in the early period, to women in other parts of Greece; and the Spartan youth, a reverential and obedient demeanor, a reserve in conduct, ..."

5. A Text-book in the History of Education by Paul Monroe (1905)
"was denied, save in the early period, to women in other parts of Greece; and the Spartan youth, a reverential and obedient demeanor, a reserve in conduct, ..."

6. The History of Sicily from the Earliest Times by Edward Augustus Freeman (1892)
"They scorned his Spartan cloak, his Spartan staff, his hair worn long after the ... He was the Spartan, and that was enough ; it is plain that the Syracusan ..."

7. Woman: In All Ages and in All Countries by Mitchell Carroll, Alfred Brittain, Edward Bagby Pollard, Pierce Butler, John Robert Effinger, Hugo Paul Thieme, Hermann Schoenfeld, Bartlett Burleigh James, John Ruse Larus (1907)
"VII THE Spartan WOMAN IT was from Sparta that Paris in the Heroic Age bore away to his Phrygian home Argive Helen, fairest of mortals, the Greek ideal of ..."

8. The Ancient World from the Earliest Times to 800 A.D. by Willis Mason West (1904)
"Spartan Decay. — In Sparta itself luxury and corruption had replaced the old simplicity. As a result, the number of full citizens was ..."

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