Definition of Humperdinck
1. Noun. German composer of six operas and other incidental music (1854-1921).
Lexicographical Neighbors of Humperdinck
Literary usage of Humperdinck
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Modern Drama and Opera: Reading Lists on the Works of Various Authors by Clara A. Mulliken Norton, Frank Keller Walter, Fanny Elsie Marquand, Archibald Henderson (1915)
"Humperdinck. (In American history and encyclopedia of music. c1908. v. ...
Humperdinck. Brief biographical sketch. (In Boston symphony orchestra programs. ..."
2. Dramatic Music (class M 1500, 1510, 1520): Catalogue of Full Scores by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck (1908)
"Hänsel und Gretel. Dichtung von Adelheid Wette, geb. Humperdinck. Märchenspiel in
drei bildern . . . Mainz, B. Schotte Söhne, [etc.], °1894. ..."
3. Modern Music and Musicians by Louis Charles Elson (1918)
"... (Kingly Children) Fairy Opera in three acts by Engelbert Humperdinck. Text by
Rosmer. IN a small sunlit glade in the Hella Mountains the first act takes ..."
4. The Standard Operaglass: Detailed Plots of the Celebrated Operas, with by Charles Annesley (1904)
"... Music by ENGELBERT Humperdinck After a long period of " Sturm mid Drang," we
have an opera so fresh and simple that any child will delight in it. ..."
5. The Standard Operas, Their Plots and Their Music by George Putnam Upton (1914)
"Humperdinck (ENGLEBERT) Hansel and Gretel HANSEL and Gretel," fairy opera in
three acts, words by Adelheid Wette, was first produced in Germany in IK!)i'. ..."
6. The Story of a Hundred Operas by Felix Mendelsohn (1915)
"... Music by Engelbert Humperdinck Opera in Three Acts Libretto by Ernst Hosmer
from a Fairy Tale by Elsa Bernstein First Production—New York, ..."
7. Marchesi and Music: Passages from the Life of a Famous Singing-teacher by Mathilde Marchesi (1905)
"Madame Marchesi Meets Humperdinck and Visits Bayreuth.— Sue Celebrates Her
Forty-first Professional Year.—Finis. SEVERAL years ago Miss Fanny Reed, ..."