Definition of Givenness

1. Noun. The quality of being granted as a supposition; of being acknowledged or assumed.

Definition of Givenness

1. Noun. The fact of being given or posited in an argument, hypothesis etc. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Givenness

given birth
given forth
given head
given her head
given in
given it some welly
given name
given names
given off
given out
given over
given that
given the finger
given up
given way
gives a bad name
gives a damn
gives away
gives birth
gives forth
gives head
gives in
gives it some welly
gives off

Literary usage of Givenness

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Science and Philosophy of the Organism: The Gifford Lectures Delivered by Hans Driesch (1908)
"The Character of Givenness: the It The last window into the absolute is the contingency of immediate Givenness and the immanent coherence of the single ..."

2. Essays & Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion by Friedrich Hügel, Friedrich H̀eugel (1921)
"... to the Givenness of the lichen, of the bee and bird, on to the immensely greater Givenness of the human spirit, and (contrasting with, yet sustaining, ..."

3. The Monist by Hegeler Institute (1898)
"The same criticism is applicable to all such assertions as that "facts are opaque," that at bottom there is only "mere fact and givenness," that "of ..."

4. The German Soul in Its Attitude Towards Ethics and Christianity, the State by Friedrich Hügel (1916)
"... of the Christian religion—its givenness, and in the apostolic band, not self-chosen nor popularly chosen, but chosen by the one, earthly, visible Jesus. ..."

5. The New Idealism by May Sinclair (1922)
"1 He objects to the word datum, used so freely by the other critical realists, because "it suggests that the givenness is given along with the thing," in ..."

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