Medical Definition of Eimeria of sheep and goats
1. Eimeria ovina (arloingi), the most common and destructive species in sheep, principal losses being in young lambs; Eimeria minakolyakimovae, a highly pathogenic parasite of sheep; Eimeria parva and Eimeria pallida are frequently found but believed to be of low virulence; Eimeria faurei, Eimeria intricata, Eimeria granulosa, Eimeria ahsata, Eimeria hawkins, Eimeria gilruthi, Eimeria gonzalezi, Eimeria christenseni, Eimeria punctata, Eimeria crandallis, and Eimeria honessi, are found in sheep or goats, and are probably of low pathogenicity. All of these species invade the epithelium of the small intestine. Synonym: coccidia of sheep and goats. (05 Mar 2000)