Definition of ARDS
1. Noun. Acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales; inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen; occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc..
Definition of ARDS
1. Noun. (plural of ''ard'') ¹
¹ Source:
Definition of ARDS
1. ard [n] - See also: ard
Medical Definition of ARDS
A clinical syndrome that includes pulmonary insufficiency. It is a descriptive term that is applied to a variety of diffuse infiltrative processes in the lung.
Manifestations include severe shortness of breath, rapid breathing and arterial hypoxaemia (low oxygen). Chest X-ray shows bilateral diffuse infiltrates.
Treatment most often includes mechanical respiratory support. Causes include toxic gas (chlorine, NO2, smoke) exposure, severe metabolic derangement, gastric acid aspiration, pancreatitis, sepsis and trauma.
Acronym: ARDS
(12 Jul 2000)
Lexicographical Neighbors of ARDS
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