Definition of European central bank

1. Noun. The central bank of those members of the European Union who share a common currency. "The European Central Bank is Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve"

Generic synonyms: Central Bank

Definition of European central bank

1. Proper noun. the Central bank for the European Union, administering the monetary policy of the 17 EU Eurozone member states ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of European Central Bank

European Central Bank
European Commission
European Commissioner
European Commissioners
European Community
European Economic Community
European Law Enforcement Organisation
European Parliament
European Parliaments
European Portuguese
European Recovery Program
European Russia
European Shorthair
European Shorthairs
European Stability Mechanism

Literary usage of European central bank

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Europe and America Beyond 2000 by Pierre Hassner, Gregory F. Treverton (1990)
"Particularly controversial is the idea of creating a european central bank. It is favored by those who believe that the decision to eliminate capital ..."

2. Oecd Glossaries Economics Glossary: Edition 2006-Glossaires de L'Ocde by Oecd (2006)
"... Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement (BERD) [BAN, DEV] european central bank ..."

3. OECD Territorial Reviews by Oecd (2001)
"... a lot of stress on that permanent dialogue, on that exchange of views that is necessary between the european central bank and the ministers of finance. ..."

4. Banking Reform in the United States: A Series of Proposals, Including a by Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague (1910)
"The situation of these banks, and in a minor degree that of the banks in other reserve cities, is similar to that of a european central bank, ..."

5. Poland (2006)
"european central bank Working Paper No. 557, November, Frankfurt am Main. European Commission (2005), "Second Report on the Practical Preparations for the ..."

6. Germany: A Country Study edited by Eric Solsten (1999)
"In the third stage, a single currency managed by a european central bank would be created, and even greater powers would be granted to the EC to establish ..."

7. Open for Business: Creating a Transatlantic Marketplace by Bruce Stokes (1996)
"The United States and Europe must consult bilaterally and within the G-7 on how the creation of the european central bank and monetary union will affect ..."

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