Definition of Wide
1. Adverb. With or by a broad space. "Ran wide around left end"
2. Adjective. Having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other. "A broad river"
Attributes: Breadth, Width
Also: Comprehensive, Thick
Similar to: Beamy, Bird's-eye, Panoramic, Broad-brimmed, Deep, Fanlike, Sweeping, Wide-screen
Derivative terms: Broadness, Wideness
Antonyms: Narrow
3. Adverb. To the fullest extent possible. "With the throttle wide open"
4. Adjective. Broad in scope or content. "Granted him wide powers"
Similar to: Comprehensive
Derivative terms: Extensiveness, Wideness
5. Adverb. Far from the intended target. "A bullet went astray and killed a bystander"
6. Adjective. (used of eyes) fully open or extended. "Stared with wide eyes"
7. Adverb. To or over a great extent or range; far. "He traveled widely"
8. Adjective. Very large in expanse or scope. "Spacious skies"
Similar to: Big, Large
Derivative terms: Broadness, Spaciousness, Wideness
9. Adjective. Great in degree. "Won by a wide margin"
10. Adjective. Having ample fabric. "A full skirt"
11. Adjective. Not on target. "A claim that was wide of the truth"
Definition of Wide
1. a. Having considerable distance or extent between the sides; spacious across; much extended in a direction at right angles to that of length; not narrow; broad; as, wide cloth; a wide table; a wide highway; a wide bed; a wide hall or entry.
2. adv. To a distance; far; widely; to a great distance or extent; as, his fame was spread wide.
3. n. That which is wide; wide space; width; extent.
4. a. Having or showing a wide difference between the highest and lowest price, amount of supply, etc.; as, a wide opening; wide prices, where the prices bid and asked differ by several points.
5. a. Having considerable distance or extent between the sides; spacious across; much extended in a direction at right angles to that of length; not narrow; broad; as, wide cloth; a wide table; a wide highway; a wide bed; a wide hall or entry.
6. adv. To a distance; far; widely; to a great distance or extent; as, his fame was spread wide.
7. n. That which is wide; wide space; width; extent.
8. a. Having or showing a wide difference between the highest and lowest price, amount of supply, etc.; as, a wide opening; wide prices, where the prices bid and asked differ by several points.
Definition of Wide
1. Adjective. Having a large physical extent from side to side. ¹
2. Adjective. Large in scope. ¹
3. Adjective. (sports) Operating at the side of the playing area. ¹
4. Adjective. (tennis) (speaking of the ball) that bounces off the authorized court limits, referring to the horizontal dimension (and therefore is ''out''). ¹
5. Adverb. extensively ¹
6. Adverb. completely ¹
7. Adverb. away from a given goal ¹
8. Noun. (cricket) A ball that passes so far from the batsman that the umpire deems it unplayable; the arm signal used by an umpire to signal a wide; the extra run added to the batting side's score ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Wide
1. having great extent from side to side [adj WIDER, WIDEST] : WIDELY [adv] / a type of bowled ball in cricket [n -S]