Definition of Weather condition
1. Noun. The atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation. "The conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow"
Exact synonyms: Atmospheric Condition, Conditions, Weather
Category relationships: Meteorology
Generic synonyms: Atmospheric Phenomenon
Specialized synonyms: Cold Weather, Fair Weather, Sunshine, Temperateness, Hot Weather, Thaw, Thawing, Warming, Downfall, Precipitation, Wave, Elements, Air Current, Current Of Air, Wind, Atmosphere, Atmospheric State, Good Weather, Bad Weather, Inclemency, Inclementness
Derivative terms: Weather
Category relationships: Meteorology
Generic synonyms: Atmospheric Phenomenon
Specialized synonyms: Cold Weather, Fair Weather, Sunshine, Temperateness, Hot Weather, Thaw, Thawing, Warming, Downfall, Precipitation, Wave, Elements, Air Current, Current Of Air, Wind, Atmosphere, Atmospheric State, Good Weather, Bad Weather, Inclemency, Inclementness
Derivative terms: Weather