Definition of Water cannon

1. Noun. A hose (carried on a truck) that fires water under high pressure to disperse crowds (especially crowds of rioters).

Exact synonyms: Watercannon
Generic synonyms: Hose, Hosepipe

Definition of Water cannon

1. Noun. A device that shoots a large amount water at high pressure through a hose-like tube. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Water Cannon

water breather
water buck
water buffalo
water buffaloes
water buffalos
water bug
water bugs
water bus
water cabbage
water caltrop
water caltrops
water can
water canker
water cannon
water cannons
water carpet
water carriage
water cart
water cavies
water cavy
water celery
water cell
water chestnut
water chestnut plant
water chestnuts
water chevrotain
water chicken
water chickens

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