Definition of Volatile

1. Adjective. Evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures. "Volatile solvents"

2. Noun. A volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor. "It was heated to evaporate the volatiles"
Generic synonyms: Substance

3. Adjective. Liable to lead to sudden change or violence. "A volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"
Exact synonyms: Explosive
Similar to: Unstable
Derivative terms: Volatility

4. Adjective. Marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments. "A flirt's volatile affections"
Exact synonyms: Fickle
Similar to: Inconstant
Derivative terms: Fickleness

5. Adjective. Tending to vary often or widely. "Volatile emotions"
Similar to: Changeable, Changeful
Derivative terms: Volatility

Definition of Volatile

1. a. Passing through the air on wings, or by the buoyant force of the atmosphere; flying; having the power to fly.

2. n. A winged animal; wild fowl; game.

3. a. Passing through the air on wings, or by the buoyant force of the atmosphere; flying; having the power to fly.

4. n. A winged animal; wild fowl; game.

Definition of Volatile

1. Adjective. (physics) evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions. ¹

2. Adjective. (context: of a substance informal) explosive. ¹

3. Adjective. (context: of a price etc) variable or erratic. ¹

4. Adjective. fickle. ¹

5. Adjective. temporary or ephemeral. ¹

6. Adjective. (context: of a situation) potentially violent. ¹

7. Adjective. (computing of a variable) having its associated memory immediately updated with any changes in value. ¹

8. Adjective. (computing of memory) whose content is lost when the computer is powered down ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Volatile

1. a winged creature [n -S]

Medical Definition of Volatile

1. 1. Passing through the air on wings, or by the buoyant force of the atmosphere; flying; having the power to fly. 2. Capable of wasting away, or of easily passing into the aeriform state; subject to evaporation. Substances which affect the smell with pungent or fragrant odors, as musk, hartshorn, and essential oils, are called volatile substances, because they waste away on exposure to the atmosphere. Alcohol and ether are called volatile liquids for a similar reason, and because they easily pass into the state of vapor on the application of heat. On the contrary, gold is a fixed substance, because it does not suffer waste, even when exposed to the heat of a furnace; and oils are called fixed when they do not evaporate on simple exposure to the atmosphere. 3. Light-hearted; easily affected by circumstances; airy; lively; hence, changeable; fickle; as, a volatile temper. "You are as giddy and volatile as ever." (Swift) Volatile alkali. See Essential oils, under Essential. Origin: F. Volatil, L. Volatilis, fr. Volare to fly, perhaps akin to velox swift, E. Velocity. Cf. Volley. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Volatile

volar carpal ligament
volar interosseous artery
volar interosseous nerve
volatile (current term)
volatile anaesthetic
volatile fatty acid number
volatile memory
volatile mustard oil
volatile oil
volatile organic compound
volatile organic compounds
volatile storage

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