Definition of Visit

1. Verb. Go to see a place, as for entertainment. "We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning"

Exact synonyms: See
Generic synonyms: Tour
Related verbs: See
Specialized synonyms: Take In
Derivative terms: Visitant, Visitor

2. Noun. The act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time. "He dropped by for a visit"
Specialized synonyms: Visitation, Site Visit, Call, Visiting
Generic synonyms: Coming Together, Meeting

3. Verb. Go to certain places as for sightseeing. "Did you ever visit Paris?"
Exact synonyms: Travel To
Generic synonyms: Jaunt, Travel, Trip
Specialized synonyms: Sightsee, Frequent, Haunt
Derivative terms: Visiting, Visitor

4. Noun. A meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice. "He scheduled a visit to the dentist"
Generic synonyms: Get Together, Meeting

5. Verb. Pay a brief visit. "Sam cannot visit Sue "; "The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens"
Exact synonyms: Call, Call In
Generic synonyms: Get Together, Meet
Related verbs: Call
Specialized synonyms: See, See, Come By, Drop By, Drop In
Derivative terms: Call, Caller, Visitant, Visitor

6. Noun. The act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection).
Generic synonyms: Coming Together, Meeting
Specialized synonyms: Flying Visit

7. Verb. Come to see in an official or professional capacity. "The grant administrator visited the laboratory"
Exact synonyms: Inspect
Derivative terms: Inspection, Visitation, Visitor

8. Noun. The act of going to see some person in a professional capacity. "A visit to the dentist"
Specialized synonyms: Call
Generic synonyms: Coming Together, Meeting

9. Verb. Impose something unpleasant. "The principal visited his rage on the students"
Exact synonyms: Bring Down, Impose, Inflict
Generic synonyms: Communicate, Intercommunicate
Specialized synonyms: Dictate, Order, Prescribe, Intrude, Obtrude, Clamp, Give, Foist
Derivative terms: Imposition, Imposition, Infliction, Visitation

10. Noun. A temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).
Exact synonyms: Sojourn
Generic synonyms: Stay
Derivative terms: Sojourn

11. Verb. Talk socially without exchanging too much information. "Sam cannot visit Sue "; "The men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"

12. Verb. Stay with as a guest. "Every summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month"
Generic synonyms: Abide, Bide, Stay
Derivative terms: Visitor

13. Verb. Assail. "He was visited with a terrible illness that killed him quickly"
Generic synonyms: Afflict, Smite
Derivative terms: Visitation

Definition of Visit

1. v. t. To go or come to see, as for the purpose of friendship, business, curiosity, etc.; to attend; to call upon; as, the physician visits his patient.

2. v. i. To make a visit or visits; to maintain visiting relations; to practice calling on others.

3. n. The act of visiting, or going to see a person or thing; a brief stay of business, friendship, ceremony, curiosity, or the like, usually longer than a call; as, a visit of civility or respect; a visit to Saratoga; the visit of a physician.

4. v. t. To go or come to see, as for the purpose of friendship, business, curiosity, etc.; to attend; to call upon; as, the physician visits his patient.

5. v. i. To make a visit or visits; to maintain visiting relations; to practice calling on others.

6. n. The act of visiting, or going to see a person or thing; a brief stay of business, friendship, ceremony, curiosity, or the like, usually longer than a call; as, a visit of civility or respect; a visit to Saratoga; the visit of a physician.

Definition of Visit

1. Verb. (transitive) Of God: to appear to (someone) to comfort or bless them. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.) (defdate from 13th c.) ¹

2. Verb. (transitive) To habitually go to (someone in distress, sickness etc.) to comfort them. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.) (defdate from 13th c.) ¹

3. Verb. (transitive) To go and meet (a person) as an act of friendliness or sociability. (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

4. Verb. (context: transitive now rare) To punish, to inflict harm (term upon) (someone or something). (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

5. Verb. (transitive) Of a sickness, misfortune etc.: to afflict (someone). (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

6. Verb. (context: transitive) To inflict punishment, vengence for (an offense) (term on) or (term upon) someone. (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

7. Verb. (transitive) To go to (a shrine, temple etc.) for worship. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.) (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

8. Verb. (transitive) To go to (a place) for pleasure, on an errand, etc. (defdate from 15th c.) ¹

9. Noun. A single act of visiting. ¹

10. Noun. (context: medicine insurance) A meeting with a doctor at their surgery or the doctor's at one's home. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Visit

1. to go or come to see someone or something [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Visit

1. 1. To go or come to see, as for the purpose of friendship, business, curiosity, etc.; to attend; to call upon; as, the physician visits his patient. 2. Specifically: To go or come to see for inspection, examination, correction of abuses, etc.; to examine, to inspect; as, a bishop visits his diocese; a superintendent visits persons or works under his charge. 3. To come to for the purpose of chastising, rewarding, comforting; to come upon with reward or retribution; to appear before or judge; as, to visit in mercy; to visit one in wrath. "[God] hath visited and redeemed his people." (Like i. 68) Origin: F. Visiter, L. Visitare, fr. Visere to go to see, to visit, fr. Videre, visum to see. See Vision. 1. The act of visiting, or going to see a person or thing; a brief stay of business, friendship, ceremony, curiosity, or the like, usually longer than a call; as, a visit of civility or respect; a visit to Saratoga; the visit of a physician. 2. The act of going to view or inspect; an official or formal inspection; examination; visitation; as, the visit of a trustee or inspector. Right of visit, the right of visitation. See Visitation. Origin: Cf. F. Visite. See Visit, and cf. Visite. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Visit

visit (current term)
visit a spell
visitation rights

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