Definition of Vesture
1. Verb. Provide or cover with a cloak.
2. Noun. Something that covers or cloaks like a garment. "Fields in a vesture of green"
3. Noun. A covering designed to be worn on a person's body.
Specialized synonyms: Accessory, Accouterment, Accoutrement, Apparel, Clothes, Dress, Wearing Apparel, Array, Raiment, Regalia, Attire, Dress, Garb, Beachwear, Black, Blue, Change, Civilian Clothing, Civilian Dress, Civilian Garb, Plain Clothes, Drag, Footwear, Garment, Gray, Grey, Hand Wear, Handwear, Headdress, Headgear, Knitwear, Leisure Wear, Loungewear, Man's Clothing, Neckpiece, Nightclothes, Nightwear, Sleepwear, Outerwear, Overclothes, Protective Garment, Ready-to-wear, Slip-on, Slops, Street Clothes, Tailor-made, Duds, Threads, Togs, Uniform, Vestiture, Woman's Clothing, Work-clothes, Work-clothing
Generic synonyms: Consumer Goods, Covering
Terms within: Wardrobe
Derivative terms: Clothe, Vest, Vestiary, Wear, Wear, Wear
Definition of Vesture
1. n. A garment or garments; a robe; clothing; dress; apparel; vestment; covering; envelope.
2. n. A garment or garments; a robe; clothing; dress; apparel; vestment; covering; envelope.
Definition of Vesture
1. Noun. A covering of or like clothing. ¹
2. Verb. (archaic) To clothe. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Vesture
1. to clothe [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] - See also: clothe
Medical Definition of Vesture
1. 1. A garment or garments; a robe; clothing; dress; apparel; vestment; covering; envelope. "Approach, and kiss her sacred vesture's hem." (Milton) "Rocks, precipices, and gulfs, appareled with a vesture of plants." (Bentley) "There polished chests embroidered vestures graced." (Pope) 2. The corn, grass, underwood, stubble, etc, with which land was covered; as, the vesture of an acre. Seizin; possession. Origin: OF. Vesture, vesteure, F. Veture, LL. Vestitura, from L. Vestire to clothe, dress. See Vest, and cf. Vestiture. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)