Definition of Traffic signal

1. Noun. A visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections.

Exact synonyms: Stoplight, Traffic Light
Generic synonyms: Light
Specialized synonyms: Go-ahead, Green Light, Red Light, Yellow Light

Definition of Traffic signal

1. Noun. A traffic light. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Traffic Signal

traffic cop
traffic court
traffic island
traffic islands
traffic jam
traffic jams
traffic lane
traffic light
traffic lights
traffic of influence
traffic paddle
traffic pattern
traffic school
traffic shaping
traffic sign
traffic signal
traffic signal box
traffic signal boxes
traffic signals
traffic signs
traffic ticket
traffic violation
traffic warden
traffic wardens

Literary usage of Traffic signal

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Community Life and Civic Problems by Howard Copeland Hill (1922)
"After a Ewing Galloway A MODERN traffic signal TOWER In some large cities traffic is directed from signal towers erected in the middle of the street at ..."

2. Development of Analytical Tools for Evaluating Operations of Light-Rail At by Carol H. Walters (1995)
"One of the major advantages of traffic signal control at at-grade intersections is the flexibility available in providing priority. Using traffic signals at ..."

3. Light's Labour's Lost: Policies for Energy-efficient Lighting by Paul Waide, Satoshi Tanishima, International Energy Agency (2006)
"Similar transformations of the traffic-signal market are taking place around the ... While LEDs are gaining a large part of the new traffic-signal market, ..."

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