Definition of Tender

1. Noun. Something that can be used as an official medium of payment.

Exact synonyms: Legal Tender, Stamp
Generic synonyms: Medium Of Exchange, Monetary System
Specialized synonyms: Food Stamp

2. Verb. Offer or present for acceptance.
Generic synonyms: Gift, Give, Present

3. Adjective. Given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality. "A tender mother"
Also: Soft
Similar to: Protective, Sentimental
Derivative terms: Tenderness, Tenderness
Antonyms: Tough

4. Noun. Someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another.

5. Verb. Propose a payment. "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"
Exact synonyms: Bid, Offer
Category relationships: Auction, Auction Sale, Vendue
Entails: Bargain, Dicker
Specialized synonyms: By-bid, Subscribe, Overbid, Underbid, Outbid, Underbid
Derivative terms: Bid, Bidder, Offer

6. Adjective. Hurting. "The tender spot on his jaw"
Exact synonyms: Raw, Sensitive, Sore
Similar to: Painful
Derivative terms: Rawness, Sensitivity, Soreness, Tenderness

7. Verb. Make a tender of; in legal settlements.
Generic synonyms: Offer, Proffer

8. Noun. A formal proposal to buy at a specified price.
Exact synonyms: Bid
Generic synonyms: Offer, Offering
Specialized synonyms: Overbid, Buyout Bid
Derivative terms: Bid, Bid

9. Adjective. Young and immature. "At a tender age"
Similar to: Immature, Young

10. Verb. Make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer. "Tenderize meat"
Exact synonyms: Tenderise, Tenderize
Generic synonyms: Alter, Change, Modify
Derivative terms: Tenderisation, Tenderiser, Tenderization, Tenderizer

11. Adjective. Having or displaying warmth or affection. "A warm embrace"

12. Noun. Car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water.
Generic synonyms: Car, Railcar, Railroad Car, Railway Car

13. Noun. A boat for communication between ship and shore.
Exact synonyms: Cutter, Pinnace, Ship's Boat
Generic synonyms: Boat
Specialized synonyms: Gig

14. Adjective. Easy to cut or chew. "Tender beef"
Also: Comestible, Eatable, Edible
Similar to: Chewable, Cuttable, Crisp, Crispy, Flakey, Flaky, Tenderised, Tenderized
Derivative terms: Tenderize
Antonyms: Tough

15. Noun. Ship that usually provides supplies to other ships.
Exact synonyms: Supply Ship
Generic synonyms: Ship

16. Adjective. Physically untoughened. "Tender feet"
Exact synonyms: Untoughened
Also: Weak
Similar to: Delicate, Soft
Derivative terms: Tenderness
Antonyms: Tough

17. Adjective. (used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail.
Exact synonyms: Crank, Cranky, Tippy
Category relationships: Boat
Similar to: Unstable

18. Adjective. (of plants) not hardy; easily killed by adverse growing condition. "Tender green shoots"
Category relationships: Flora, Plant, Plant Life
Similar to: Delicate

Definition of Tender

1. n. One who tends; one who takes care of any person or thing; a nurse.

2. v. t. To offer in payment or satisfaction of a demand, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture; as, to tender the amount of rent or debt.

3. n. An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance; as, the tender of rent due, or of the amount of a note, with interest.

4. a. Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured; not firm or hard; delicate; as, tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit.

5. n. Regard; care; kind concern.

6. v. t. To have a care of; to be tender toward; hence, to regard; to esteem; to value.

Definition of Tender

1. Adjective. Sensitive or painful to be touched. ¹

2. Adjective. (context: of food) Soft and easily chewed. ¹

3. Adjective. Fond, loving, gentle, sweet ¹

4. Verb. (rare) To make tender or delicate; to weaken. ¹

5. Verb. To feel tenderly towards; to regard fondly. ¹

6. Noun. (obsolete) Someone who tends or waits on someone. ¹

7. Noun. A railroad car towed behind a steam engine to carry fuel. ¹

8. Noun. (nautical) A naval ship that functions as a mobile base for other ships. ¹

9. Noun. (nautical) A boat used for transportation between a ship and shore. ¹

10. Verb. (formal) To offer, to give. ¹

11. Verb. To offer a payment, as at sales or auctions. ¹

12. Noun. A means of payment such as a check or cheque, cash or credit card. ¹

13. Noun. (legal) A formal offer to buy or sell something. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Tender

1. soft or delicate [adj -DERER, -DEREST] / to present for acceptance [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Tender

1. 1. Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured; not firm or hard; delicate; as, tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit. 2. Sensible to impression and pain; easily pained. "Our bodies are not naturally more tender than our faces." (L'Estrange) 3. Physically weak; not hardly or able to endure hardship; immature; effeminate. "The tender and delicate woman among you." (Deut. Xxviii. 56) 4. Susceptible of the softer passions, as love, compassion, kindness; compassionate; pitiful; anxious for another's good; easily excited to pity, forgiveness, or favor; sympathetic. "The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy." (James v. 11) "I am choleric by my nature, and tender by my temper." (Fuller) 5. Exciting kind concern; dear; precious. "I love Valentine, Whose life's as tender to me as my soul!" (Shak) 6. Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure; with of. "Tender of property." "The civil authority should be tender of the honor of God and religion." (Tillotson) 7. Unwilling to cause pain; gentle; mild. "You, that are thus so tender o'er his follies, Will never do him good." (Shak) 8. Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy; expressive of the softer passions; pathetic; as, tender expressions; tender expostulations; a tender strain. 9. Apt to give pain; causing grief or pain; delicate; as, a tender subject. "Things that are tender and unpleasing." 10. Heeling over too easily when under sail; said of a vessel. Tender is sometimes used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, tender-footed, tender-looking, tender-minded, tender-mouthed, and the like. Synonym: Delicate, effeminate, soft, sensitive, compassionate, kind, humane, merciful, pitiful. Origin: F. Tendre, L. Tener; probably akin to tenuis thin. See Thin. 1. One who tends; one who takes care of any person or thing; a nurse. 2. A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like. 3. A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water. Origin: From Tend to attend. Cf. Attender. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Tender

tendency tone
tendency tones
tendency writing
tender (current term)
tender lines
tender loving care
tender offer
tender points
tender zones

Literary usage of Tender

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to Come by John Bunyan (1806)
"So he desired tender-conscience to refresh himself with such entertainments as his cave afforded, assuring him that though it was plain and homely diet, ..."

2. King Lear by William Shakespeare (2001)
"No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse ; Thy tender-hefted nature shall not ... 1 68. tender-hefted] STEEVENS: Hefted seems to mean the same as heaved. ..."

3. The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge by George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana (1862)
"tender, in law, an offer to perform an act, to the performance whereof one person is ... If the tender be of money, it is effectual only when the demand is ..."

4. Benjamin's Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property: With References by Judah Philip Benjamin (1899)
"708 tender valid before writ issued . . 708 Where price payable only after ... 711 tender is equivalent to payment . . 712 Requisites of valid tender . ..."

5. The Encyclopædia of Evidence by Edgar Whittlesey Camp, John Finley Crowe (1908)
"Burden on Party Who Pleads tender, 482 2. Must Be Clearly Proved, 482 3. ... Party Making tender, 483 2. Party to Whom tender Is Made, 484 III. ..."

6. The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to Come by John Bunyan (1806)
"So he desired tender-conscience to refresh himself with such entertainments as his cave afforded, assuring him that though it was plain and homely diet, ..."

7. King Lear by William Shakespeare (2001)
"No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse ; Thy tender-hefted nature shall not ... 1 68. tender-hefted] STEEVENS: Hefted seems to mean the same as heaved. ..."

8. The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge by George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana (1862)
"tender, in law, an offer to perform an act, to the performance whereof one person is ... If the tender be of money, it is effectual only when the demand is ..."

9. Benjamin's Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property: With References by Judah Philip Benjamin (1899)
"708 tender valid before writ issued . . 708 Where price payable only after ... 711 tender is equivalent to payment . . 712 Requisites of valid tender . ..."

10. The Encyclopædia of Evidence by Edgar Whittlesey Camp, John Finley Crowe (1908)
"Burden on Party Who Pleads tender, 482 2. Must Be Clearly Proved, 482 3. ... Party Making tender, 483 2. Party to Whom tender Is Made, 484 III. ..."

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