Definition of Tape player

1. Noun. Electronic equipment for playing back magnetic tapes.

Generic synonyms: Electronic Equipment

Definition of Tape player

1. Noun. An electronic device used to play cassette tapes. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Tape Player

tape cartridge
tape deck
tape delay
tape delays
tape drive
tape drives
tape library
tape machine
tape measure
tape off
tape out
tape player
tape players
tape record
tape recorder
tape recorders
tape recording
tape safe
tape safes
tape transport
tape up
tapeless workflow

Literary usage of Tape player

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Kids And Media@the New Millennium: A Comprehensive National Analysis Of by Donald F. Roberts (1999)
"... to have a radio or a tape player. They are more likely than kids whose parents completed no more than high school to have a computer in their bedroom. ..."

2. Adult Literacy And New Technologies: Tools For A Lifetime by Office of Technology Assessment (1994)
"Audio equipment (stereo, compact disc player, tape player, cassettes, books on tape). Some applications: Learning "on the go" or at home, renting courseware ..."

3. A Traveler's Guide to the Galapagos Islands by Barry Boyce (2004)
"CD/tape player-There are many occasions where the sound of your favorite music forms a perfect background for the activities going on around you. ..."

4. A Traveler's Guide to the Galapagos Islands by Barry Boyce (2004)
"CD/tape player -There are many occasions where the sound of your favorite music forms a perfect background for the activities going on around you. ..."

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