Definition of Sworded

1. a. Girded with a sword.

Definition of Sworded

1. Adjective. Wearing a sword. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Sworded

1. sword [v] - See also: sword

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sworded

sword hand
sword knot
sword lily
sword of Damocles
sword stick
sworded (current term)

Literary usage of Sworded

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions: With the Narrative of a Visit by Edward James Reed (1880)
"... love of literature—The last of the Tycoons—A picture painted by him—An eminent litterateur— Legends of the Night-crying Stone, the sworded Pheasant, ..."

2. Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales by Mary F. Nixon-Roulet (1908)
"THE sworded FALCON IN the days of the Emperor Koan there lived near Koya a falcon which had ... sworded ..."

3. The Magazine of Poetry by Charles Wells Moulton (1891)
"He would rather sit on a lichened stone, cinched with listening lads, than on a silver dais, swept round with sworded courtiers. He never commits assault on ..."

4. The China magazine: a ... miscellany (1868)
"On reaching a turn of the road, the gentleman who had dismounted, saw a well dressed two- sworded man, who, directly he cast eyes upon him, whipped his long ..."

5. Japan as We Saw it by Mary Jane Bickersteth (1893)
"... OR TWO sworded WARRIOR. are, as a rule, men of good position, that is, samurai, or military retainers of the former daimyos (feudal lords) of Japan. ..."

6. Paterfamilias's Diary of Everybody's Tour: Belgium and the Rhine, Munich by Martin Farquhar Tupper (1856)
"... with those gentlemanly and intelligent police cocked-hatted and court-sworded everywhere, these terrible profanations (as at St. Cloud) are winked at by ..."

7. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions: With the Narrative of a Visit by Edward James Reed (1880)
"... love of literature—The last of the Tycoons—A picture painted by him—An eminent litterateur— Legends of the Night-crying Stone, the sworded Pheasant, ..."

8. Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales by Mary F. Nixon-Roulet (1908)
"THE sworded FALCON IN the days of the Emperor Koan there lived near Koya a falcon which had ... sworded ..."

9. The Magazine of Poetry by Charles Wells Moulton (1891)
"He would rather sit on a lichened stone, cinched with listening lads, than on a silver dais, swept round with sworded courtiers. He never commits assault on ..."

10. The China magazine: a ... miscellany (1868)
"On reaching a turn of the road, the gentleman who had dismounted, saw a well dressed two- sworded man, who, directly he cast eyes upon him, whipped his long ..."

11. Japan as We Saw it by Mary Jane Bickersteth (1893)
"... OR TWO sworded WARRIOR. are, as a rule, men of good position, that is, samurai, or military retainers of the former daimyos (feudal lords) of Japan. ..."

12. Paterfamilias's Diary of Everybody's Tour: Belgium and the Rhine, Munich by Martin Farquhar Tupper (1856)
"... with those gentlemanly and intelligent police cocked-hatted and court-sworded everywhere, these terrible profanations (as at St. Cloud) are winked at by ..."

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