Definition of Sweat bag
1. Noun. A porous bag (usually of canvas) that holds water and cools it by evaporation.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Sweat Bag
Literary usage of Sweat bag
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Principles and practice of obstetrics by Joseph Bolivar De Lee (1918)
"... the thyroid is swollen, a fact which Aëtius in 1567 said caused goiter, the
face is turgid, the body bathed in sweat. Bag protruding in vulva FIG. 146. ..."
2. A Dictionary of Terms Used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences by Richard Dennis Hoblyn (1865)
"Odora- ments ; substances employed in medicine "n account of their odour: as
sachet, or sweat-bag; ..."
3. Seventy Lessons in Spelling, Revised: A Complete Collection of Difficult by Albert Sherman Osborn, John Edward King, Louis Lafayette Williams (1906)
"... to isolate so as to prevent contagion; such isolation. per spire', to sweat.
bag'gage, trunks, etc. spu'ri ous, not genuine. car toon', a drawing; ..."
4. Seventy Lessons in Spelling: A Complete Collection of Difficult Common Words by Louis Lafayette Williams, Fernando E. Rogers (1885)
"Perspire', to sweat. Bag'gage, luggage. Spu'rious, not genuine. false. Cartoon',a
sketch on strong paper to be transferred. ..."
5. Principles and practice of obstetrics by Joseph Bolivar De Lee (1918)
"... the thyroid is swollen, a fact which Aëtius in 1567 said caused goiter, the
face is turgid, the body bathed in sweat. Bag protruding in vulva FIG. 146. ..."
6. A Dictionary of Terms Used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences by Richard Dennis Hoblyn (1865)
"Odora- ments ; substances employed in medicine "n account of their odour: as
sachet, or sweat-bag; ..."
7. Seventy Lessons in Spelling, Revised: A Complete Collection of Difficult by Albert Sherman Osborn, John Edward King, Louis Lafayette Williams (1906)
"... to isolate so as to prevent contagion; such isolation. per spire', to sweat.
bag'gage, trunks, etc. spu'ri ous, not genuine. car toon', a drawing; ..."
8. Seventy Lessons in Spelling: A Complete Collection of Difficult Common Words by Louis Lafayette Williams, Fernando E. Rogers (1885)
"Perspire', to sweat. Bag'gage, luggage. Spu'rious, not genuine. false. Cartoon',a
sketch on strong paper to be transferred. ..."