Definition of Surface assimilation

1. Noun. The accumulation of molecules of a gas to form a thin film on the surface of a solid.

Exact synonyms: Adsorption
Specialized synonyms: Chemisorption, Chemosorption
Generic synonyms: Sorption
Derivative terms: Adsorb

Lexicographical Neighbors of Surface Assimilation

surf skis
surface-active agent
surface-conduction electron-emitter display
surface-conduction electron-emitter displays
surface-to-air missile
surface-to-air missile system
surface area
surface areas
surface boundary layer
surface boundary layers
surface car
surface cars
surface clutter
surface energy
surface fire
surface gage
surface gauge
surface lift
surface mail
surface mine
surface noise
surface normal

Literary usage of Surface assimilation

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. NOAA's Role in Space-Based Global Precipitation Estimation and Application by National Research Council (U.S.) (2007)
"Assimilation of precipitation data can be understood in two contexts: atmosphere and land surface. Assimilation techniques are described in this section, ..."

2. Igneous Rocks and Their Origin by Reginald Aldworth Daly (1914)
"More prolonged extrusion finally brings the primary basalt, from still greater depth, to the surface. Assimilation and differentiation in ever varying ..."

3. The Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner (1880)
"Experimental investigations have shown very conclusively that under the frequent use of water to the whole surface, assimilation and disintegration proceed ..."

4. Monographs of diseases of the skin by L. Duncan Buckley (1877)
"Experimental investigations have shown very conclusively that under the frequent use of water to the whole surface, assimilation and disintegration proceed ..."

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