Definition of Suicide bomber

1. Noun. A terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people.

Category relationships: Act Of Terrorism, Terrorism, Terrorist Act
Specialized synonyms: Kamikaze
Generic synonyms: Terrorist

Definition of Suicide bomber

1. Noun. One who carries explosives on his or her body or in a vehicle and intends to detonate them to ensure maximum casualty of perceived enemies and inflict widespread damage. Usually the attacker is motivated by a political cause and is willing to die in the process. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Suicide Bomber

sui generis
sui juris
suicide Tuesday
suicide Tuesdays
suicide baiting
suicide batteries
suicide battery
suicide bomber
suicide bombers
suicide bombing
suicide bombings
suicide booth
suicide booths
suicide by cop
suicide door
suicide doors
suicide jockey
suicide king
suicide kings
suicide lane
suicide lanes
suicide mission

Literary usage of Suicide bomber

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Erased in a Moment: Suicide Bombing Attacks Against Israeli Civilians by Joe Stork (2002)
"The suicide bomber, who was not killed by the attack, was killed moments later in disputed circumstances, allegedly as he attempted to detonate more ..."

2. Moon-o-theism: Religion of a War and Moon God Prophet, Volume I of IIby Yoel Natan by Yoel Natan (2006)
"So when someone is determined to be a suicide-bomber, they often go around ... For instance, Al-barma was a Jordanian suicide-bomber who killed 179 Iraqis. ..."

3. Persona Non Grata: The Expulsion of Civilians from Israeli-occupied Lebanon by Virginia N. Sherry (1999)
"The New York Times reported that "[a]n Israeli Army official said the suicide bomber, driving a Toyota, detonated the explosive as the Israeli convoy of six ..."

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