Definition of Stickful
1. n. As much set type as fills a composing stick.
Definition of Stickful
1. Noun. (printing dated) As much type as fills a composing stick. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Stickful
1. an amount of set type [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Stickful
Literary usage of Stickful
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking: Containing a History of by Wesley Washington Pasko (1894)
"A good test is to have a block of brass or steel made of exactly the size of a
stickful of type and perfectly square cornered. When this is put in it will ..."
2. News, Ads, and Sales: The Use of English for Commercial Purposes by John Baker Opdycke (1914)
"The articles on pages 48 and 49 might THIS EVENING'S NEWS be reduced to a stickful
each; they might be cut at many points; or each one might be extended to ..."
3. Talks in a library with Laurence Hutton: recorded by Isabel Moore by Laurence Hutton, Isabel Moore (1909)
"A '' stickful'' is the shop-name for as much type as can be contained in a ...
Nothing was ready; nobody had a stickful of poetry, literary news, ..."
4. Talks in a Library with Laurence Hutton by Laurence Hutton (1905)
"A "stickful" is the shop-name for as much type as can be contained in a "
composing-stick. ... Nothing was ready; nobody had a stickful of poetry, ..."
5. Newspaper Writing and Editing by Willard Grosvenor Bleyer (1913)
"As a stick holds about two inches of type, a "stickful" has come to be a common
expression for about two or two and one half inches of printed matter. ..."