Definition of Standard deviation

1. Noun. The square root of the variance.

Category relationships: Statistics
Generic synonyms: Variance

Definition of Standard deviation

1. Noun. (statistics) A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Standard deviation

1. Statistical index of the degree of deviation from central tendency, namely, of the variability within a distribution; the square root of the average of the squared deviation's from the mean. A measure of dispersion or variation used to describe a characteristic of a frequency distribution. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Standard Deviation

stand up for
stand up to
stand watch
standard atmosphere
standard candle
standard candles
standard cell
standard deviation
standard deviations
standard dosing
standard electrode potential
standard electrode potentials
standard error
standard error of difference
standard error of the mean
standard errors
standard fare
standard gauge
standard generalized markup language
standard hydrogen electrode
standard hydrogen electrodes
standard lamp

Literary usage of Standard deviation

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics by George Udny Yule (1919)
"Standard-deviation of a sum or difference — 3-5. Influence of errors of observation and of grouping on the standard- deviation— 6-7. ..."

2. Statistical Methods: With Special Reference to Biological Variation by Charles Benedict Davenport (1899)
"23; it is equal to 0.6745 X standard deviation = 0.674So-. Neither of these last two indices of variation is as good as the standard deviation when n is ..."

3. Statistical Methods: With Special Reference to Biological Variation by Charles Benedict Davenport (1899)
"23; it is equal to 0.6745 X standard deviation = 0.6745o-. Neither of these last two indices of variation is as pood as the standard deviation when n is ..."

4. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by Carl Joseph West (1918)
"The standard deviation. The square root of the mean squared deviation about the arithmetic mean is called the standard deviation. ..."

5. Statistical Methods: With Special Reference to Biological Variation by Charles Benedict Davenport (1904)
"The standard deviation, like the other indices of variation, is a concrete ... The standard deviation of one lot of variates is consequently not comparable ..."

6. Fundamentals of Educational Measurement with the Elements of Statistical Method by Chester Arthur Gregory (1922)
"The Computation of standard deviation. — We defined standard deviation (page 306) as the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of all the ..."

7. Statistical Methods Applied to Education: A Textbook for Students of by Harold Ordway Rugg (1917)
"It must be remembered that S2 is the square of the "standard deviation" (technically called the root-mean- square deviation) from any assumed mean. ..."

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