Definition of Spur

1. Verb. Incite or stimulate. "The Academy was formed to spur research"

Generic synonyms: Advance, Boost, Encourage, Further, Promote
Derivative terms: Spurring

2. Noun. A verbalization that encourages you to attempt something. "The ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"
Exact synonyms: Goad, Goading, Prod, Prodding, Spurring, Urging
Generic synonyms: Encouragement
Derivative terms: Goad, Goad, Goad, Goad, Goad, Prod, Prod, Urge

3. Verb. Give heart or courage to.
Exact synonyms: Goad
Generic synonyms: Encourage
Derivative terms: Goad

4. Noun. Any sharply pointed projection.
Exact synonyms: Acantha, Spine
Generic synonyms: Projection
Derivative terms: Acanthous, Spinous

5. Verb. Strike with a spur.
Entails: Injure, Wound
Generic synonyms: Strike

6. Noun. Tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers.
Generic synonyms: Enation, Plant Process

7. Verb. Goad with spurs. "The rider spurred his horse"
Generic synonyms: Goad

8. Noun. A sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward. "Cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on"
Exact synonyms: Gad
Group relationships: Boot
Generic synonyms: Goad, Prod
Terms within: Rowel

9. Verb. Equip with spurs. "Spur horses"
Generic synonyms: Equip, Fit, Fit Out, Outfit

10. Noun. A railway line connected to a trunk line.
Exact synonyms: Branch Line, Spur Track
Generic synonyms: Line, Rail Line, Railway Line
Specialized synonyms: Loop-line

Definition of Spur

1. n. A sparrow.

2. n. An implement secured to the heel, or above the heel, of a horseman, to urge the horse by its pressure. Modern spurs have a small wheel, or rowel, with short points. Spurs were the badge of knighthood.

3. v. t. To prick with spurs; to incite to a more hasty pace; to urge or goad; as, to spur a horse.

4. v. i. To spur on one' horse; to travel with great expedition; to hasten; hence, to press forward in any pursuit.

5. n. A branch of a vein.

Definition of Spur

1. Noun. (soccer) someone connected with Tottenham Hotspur FC, as a fan, player, coach etc. ¹

2. Noun. A rigid implement, often roughly y-shaped, that is fixed to one's heel for purpose of prodding a horse. Often worn by, and emblematic of, the cowboy or the knight. ¹

3. Noun. Anything that inspires or motivates, as a spur does to a horse. ¹

4. Noun. An appendage or spike pointing rearward, near the foot, for instance that of a rooster. ¹

5. Noun. Any protruding part connected at one end, for instance a highway that extends from another highway into a city. ¹

6. Noun. Roots, tree roots. ¹

7. Verb. To prod (especially a horse) in the side or flank, with the intent to urge motion or haste, to gig. ¹

8. Verb. To urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object; to incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to impel; to drive. ¹

9. Verb. To put spurs on; as, a spurred boot. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Spur

1. to urge on with a spur (a horseman's goad) [v SPURRED, SPURRING, SPURS]

Medical Definition of Spur

1. A tubular pouch at the base of a perianth part, often containing nectar. (04 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spur

spur (current term)
spur blight
spur gear
spur of the moment
spur on
spur track
spur wheel

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