Definition of Spot weld

1. Noun. Each of the welds made by welding at a separate point.

Exact synonyms: Spot-weld
Generic synonyms: Weld
Derivative terms: Spot-weld, Spotweld, Spot-weld, Spotweld

Definition of Spot weld

1. Noun. A weld made by spot welding ¹

2. Verb. To join pieces of metal using spot welding ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spot Weld

spot kicks
spot market
spot markets
spot on
spot price
spot prices
spot prize
spot promote
spot seeding
spot test
spot test for infectious mononucleosis
spot the ball
spot the difference
spot the differences
spot weld
spot welder
spot welding

Literary usage of Spot weld

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Electric Welding by Ethan Viall (1921)
"The final conclusions drawn by Mr. Hughes from his tests, are that, in general, the ultimate tensile strength of a properly made butt- or spot-weld, ..."

2. Electric Welding by Ethan Viall (1921)
"The final conclusions drawn by Mr. Hughes from his tests, are that, in general, the ultimate tensile strength of a properly made butt- or spot-weld, ..."

3. Electric Welding and Welding Appliances by Herbert Carpmael (1920)
"The result is the formation of a minute spot weld, which effectually holds the two edges together with the correct overlap. The amount of overlap being ..."

4. Report to the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation on by James Caldwell (1918)
"Flash spot weld. Strength, metal tears when pieces are pulled apart. No. 17—Spot weld. .025" brass to .025" brass. Welding current 2 volts. ..."

5. Electric Welding: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Practice of the Various by Douglas Thomas Hamilton, Erik Oberg (1918)
"There are four vital points that must be taken into consideration in making a satisfactory spot-weld. They are: 1. . Condition of stock, whether pickled, ..."

6. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"As in the case of electric welding generally, the spot weld gives rise to new modes of construction of metal ..."

7. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and (1920)
"In the spot weld, although the writer has no knowledge of their chemical composition, the "spots" more nearly approach the original composition of plate as ..."

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